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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v.1.16.8 12/23/2020

Bug fixes:

  • In the message preview, adding or removing an emoji reaction would cause the message to blink.
  • In the file list panel, once the list was filtered by a particular channel or project, it wouldn’t be removed even with the filter dropdown set back to “All boxes.”
  • In the Move Task page, tapping on Confirm multiple times caused the same number of confirmation popups.
  • In the Activity list, selecting a notification of a link to a third-party service item would cause an error popup.
  • The menu item to remove a member from the project was labeled “Remove from channel.”
  • Under certain conditions, entering a project caused a pending state.
  • Under certain conditions, the project view would remain even if selecting a channel from the top menu.
  • [Advanced Plan] In the All mentions list, group mentions would appear blank if they didn’t belong to the last visited workspace.

v1.16.7 12/18/2020

What’s new:

  • Now users can sign in using their Apple account.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where some videos caused an error popup when attempting to play them.

v1.16.3 12/13/2020

Bug fixes:

We’ve fixed a lot of stability issues arising following the last major Updates:

  • Fixed a number of issues that would cause an app crash.
  • Fixed issues that would cause never ending loading.
  • Fixed issues where some items would show up twice or add two badges.
  • Fixed issues where an error message popped up improperly.
  • Fixed issues where some lists (members, channels, etc.) would not provide the correct set of selectable entries.
  • Fixed various other bugs (mostly, display issues).

v1.16.2 12/07/2020

Hot fix:

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes posting a comment would cause an app crash.

v1.16.1 12/03/2020


  • UX design improvements.
  • When during server maintenance, the app will show a more contextual indication. 

Bug fixes:

  • When searching members in the task, the “no matching results” screen will now normally show up with the keyword typed in.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an error modal when selecting a task from search results.
  • Bug fixes that appeared in the message sharing context.
  • .heic files will now be correctly recognized as image files.

v1.16.0 11/29/2020

This new version includes massive Updates for enhanced user experiences and facilitated collaboration.

What’s new:

  • Rich text formatting is supported for all types of posts and comments (On Android, formatted text is only viewable).
  • Chat messages can be shared to other channels.
  • Messages and ideas can be converted to, or associated with, tasks.
  • The file attachment capabilities have been significantly enhanced (multi-file uploading, facilitated description etc.).
  • As with posts, comments can now have files and images attached and be reacted with emojis. 


  • Upgraded to Android SDK 29.


v1.15.1 11/02/2020

What’s new:

  • [For Advanced tier] Organizations now can manage teams centrally and hierarchically.

Bug fixes:

  • Enhanced stability in app operation.

1.15.0 10/19/2020


  • Structural improvements for better performance
  • Data migration features

Bug fixes:

  • The same chat message shows up twice.
  • The channel settings page fetches wrong information.
  • The calendar button UI does not work properly.
  • When an image is previewed from the search results page, the author’s info is missing.
  • When the mention button is tapped on in the task page, it shows an irrelevant member list.
  • In the task status Updates preview, the start & end dates UI does not work properly.
  • The Free/Standard workspace list UI does not work properly if the user is not a member of any workspace.
  • The same comment shows up twice.
  • An issue occurs with displaying the interactive guide.
  • The filter page has a wrong title.
  • The preview fails to refresh reactions & comments in real time.

v1.14.12 09/14/2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the user name is displayed as UnKnownName in the data mentioning the user name
  • Fixed an error pop-up when sharing a file to Swit from an external app
  • Fixed an channel movement problem
  • Fixed an issue that is not immediately displayed when performing Copy Task within My Task

v1.14.10 08/27/2020


  • Separate profile picture upload menu: Profile image upload -> Take Photos or File upload

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where existing data looks broken when modifying Ideas

v1.14.9 08/12/2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused App Crash on the page to check Unread Project
  • Fixed a bug that GIF does not work normally in the Activity list

v1.14.8 08/10/2020


  • Support Korean language
  • Change the date display format

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where user information is not displayed in the activity list
  • Fixed an issue that doesn't match the number of comments
  • Re-fixed 401 pop-up issue
  • Fixed a problem in which the toggle for viewing previous contents is changed to OFF when creating a channel purpose
  • Fixed display error after resizing account profile image
  • Fixed an infinite loading problem when selecting a workspace rename activity

v1.14.7 07/29/2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where a 401 error  pop-up is shown
  • Fixed a problem that the channel list user list is not displayed
  • Fixed a problem that the channel preview reaction does not work in real time - Fixed an issue that GIF doesn't play normally
  • Fixed an issue that the default value is not checked when entering the Copy Task - Fixed an issue that change isn't reflected immediately when assigning a backlog contact person - Fixed an issue where the message list is displayed on the channel

v1.14.6 07/15/2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fix app crash issue in project Team View
  • Fixed an issue where buckets behave abnormally in Bucket View
  • Fixed a problem with Mention breaking
  • Fixed the problem that the list of installed apps is not displayed in the task details
  • Fixed other minor issues

v1.14.5 07/10/2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed intermittent app crash when entering a comment
  • Fixed the problem of intermittent data loading

v1.14.4 07/07/2020

New & Updates Features:

  • Push notifications provide Read and Reply options and show the attached image if present.
  • Channel & Project box performance improved for shorter data latency.
  • Channels/projects browsing offers a new category “Archived” and supports a category filtering feature.

Bug fixes:

  • In the file list, the member filter dropdown no longer lists out entries other than members.
  • In the message preview, reaction features now work normally.

v1.14.2 07/01/2020


  • Updates File Description Character Limit 500 -> 4000
  • Updates the feature to strikethrough completed tasks

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the problem of displaying offline messages even under normal network conditions
  • Fixed the problem of duplicate project creation
  • Fix app crash when clicking member filter in file list
  • Fixed the problem that the e-mail and phone number of my profile is not shown
  • Fixed the problem that is not reflected in real time when selecting the assignee of the task card
  • Fixed an issue where a user's profile that is not in the Workspace can be viewed
  • Fixed the problem that the error message does not appear when the currently viewing TaskCard is deleted
  • Fixed typo in Ideation Empty View
  • Fixed to show '-' when the size of the file uploaded from Google Drive is 0B
  • Fixed the empty dialog related to adding an offline attachment in Ideation


v1.14.1 06/16/2020

New Feature:

  • OffLine Mode Available (Chatting Channel only)


  • Improvement of Reaction User UI/UX (Long press to check  each user's reaction)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the bug that is scrolling down while viewing Side Channel List
  • Fixed App Crash Bug
  • Fixed an issue where Emoji is not displayed properly

v1.13.4 06/03/2020


  • Added interactive guide screen in signin tier selection screen
  • Updates my reaction UI
  • Changed Mention in Channel and Project.
    • Channels box
      • To notify everyone in this channel: <@everyone> > @Channel
      • To notify every online member in this channel. : <@here> > @NowChannel
    • Project box
      • To notify everyone in this project.: <@everyone> -> @Project
      • To notify everyone in this task card: @Task

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where mention is broken when copying / pasting mention
  • Fixed a problem where line breaks are not displayed properly
  • Fixed an issue where infinite loading is displayed when uploading Ideas files
  • Fixed a problem that file sharing does not work properly with 3rd party apps



v1.13.2 05/26/2020

New Feature:

  • Custome Emoji  

### Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the user can't move to the selected mentions when selecting the mentions from the Mention List
  • Fixed an issue where line break display is not working properly


v1.13.1 05/22/2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an error where the message writer is incorrectly displayed on the channel
  • Fixed an issue where app crash sometimes occurs when selecting "ignore" from a chat invitation message

v1.13.0 05/22/2020

New features:

  • Swit Store, which provides integrations with various third-party apps.


  • Sign-in page with account tier selection
  • Google Drive file preview button

Bug fixes:

  • Message writers now appear correctly on the chat.
  • Task titles now turn grey when marked “Done.”
  • Contents will no longer be overlapping in the SFDC page.

v1.12.17 05/11/2020

New Feature:

  • Added Education Plan


  • Updates to show Education Workspace in Workspaces list


v1.12.16 04/07/2020


  • Change Tier selection screen design
  • Added Project ListView

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Ideas is completed when adding Ideas attachments
  • Fixed an issue where Task activity is not normally displayed when modifying Task checklist

v1.12.3 03/22/2020


  • Improved Sign in with Google

v1.12.0 03/19/2020

New Feature:

  • Support for service-related announcement pop-ups

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where multiple images or video files could not be uploaded in Task Cards Details
  • Fixed an issue where uploaded files are deleted when editing is canceled while attempting to modify Ideas that had already been attached

v1.11.2 03/09/2020


  • Extend the free trial period for Free Tier (14 days to 90 days) in order to support customers temporarily during the COVID-19 period

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the bug where when moving to other Task Cards through Link Tasks, comments in previous Task Card are displayed
  • Changed warning message when opening deleted files

v1.11.1 03/05/2020


  • Changed the feature to allow multi-uploading only of images or videos saved in the device

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that black screen appears when uploading a large Google Drive file
  • Fixed a popup wording error related to file size limitation when uploading files  

v1.11.0 03/02/2020

New Features:

  • Google Drive Integration Available


  • Improved icons for Google Drive File

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Task Cards History is not up-to-date
  • Fixes a problem where margins are incorrectly displayed in Activity List
  • Fixed an issue where the app put on the background is turned on again when deleting Workspace from other platforms

v1.10.13 02/11/2020

### New Features:

  • Improved file upload feature: Added the feature to upload multiple files simultaneously


  • Change Task Cards Design
  • Change Task Cards Detail Design
  • Improved UI that pops up when there are multiple attachments in a message

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that an assignee in Task Card is not automatically released from Assignee status when the assigned member of Task Card leaves Project
  • Improved the same file appearing repeatedly in file list of Workspace
  • Improved to correctly show the number of Task Cards displayed after applying the filters in Project

v1.10.10 01/15/2020


  • Reorganize Advanced Home : You can search every data in all workspaces from Advanced home screen.
  • Shorten the time when relaunching after not using the app for a long time

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that the preview of image files isn’t shown when searching
  • Fixed a bug that an error popup appears when selecting to unlink Salesforce
  • Fixes a bug that the screen appears twice  when deleting a workspace that the user is participating in at Advanced Home
  • Fixes a app crash bug on logout
  • Fixed a bug that the chat contents  that were inputted in the channel remained intact even when trying to input in other channels
  • Fixes a problem that duplicate requests are made to the server


V1.10.8 01/09/2020


  • Added “Other Files” filter in the file list view

Bug Fixed:

  • Fixed My Tasks bugs
  • Fixed bug that file preview is not showing in search results

v1.10.6 01/06/2020

### New Feature:

  • My Task Feature Updates


  • Added the feature to view the next file by swiping shared files
  • Description can be added when sharing files
  • Change bottom popup design
  • Updates feature to link to contacts and dial screens when clicking on a phone number in the profile
  • Image thumbnails can be viewed in the file list
  • Added task details search feature

Bug Fixed:

  • Fixed a bug that the project list cannot be Updates when the project is first created after creating the workspace
  • Fixed mention list exposure when adding a mention to the front of an existing mention 
  • Improved reach correctly when searching for chat
  • Fixed an issue that login dates are exposed out of alignment on the Manage your sign in screen
  • Fixed a problem that when deleting a workspace in the second list, the workspace is not removed from the list.
  • When inviting a group, groups without members are excluded from the list
  • In advanced tier, fixed a bug that app crashed when selecting the image area of ​​assignee and reverting back in an unassigned task card