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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v2.21.3 12/29/2022

Bug fixes:

  • Entering a channel where messages are constantly uploaded would result in an app crash.

v2.21.2 12/22/2022

Bug fixes:

  • Entering a channel where messages are constantly uploaded would occasionally result in an app crash.
  • For some devices, it would be impossible to move to the location of the search result other than direct messages or members.
  • When the network connection was unstable, it would be impossible to enter the Swit app.

v2.21.1 12/19/2022

Bug fixes:

  • In the following cases, the screen would sometimes freeze or the app would close:
    • Tapping a push notification to move to the target location.
    • Uploading a message with a file attached.
    • In the photo access settings, selecting options other than “All Photos”.
  • [Advanced plan and above] The following bugs with the Members tab in the organization home were fixed:
    • Filtering the member list would still show the same number of members.
    • Scrolling up would make the “Job title” and “Job level” disappear from the list of filters.

v2.21.0 12/18/2022

What’s new:

  • For added layers of security in your organization, the following features have been added:
    • [Enterprise plan] Enterprise Key Management (EKM) to encrypt your organization’s data using Key Management Service (KMS) keys.
    • [Enterprise plan] Malware & virus scanning for files shared.
    • [Enterprise plan] File previews with watermark and preview format settings.
    • [Advanced plan and above] Two-factor authentication (2FA) when members and guests sign in.
    • [Advanced plan and above] Management of session duration time, the amount of time that a member can stay logged in to Swit before they are logged out automatically.
  • [Advanced plan and above] The members & teams feature has been updated to facilitate central management of members and teams as well as settings for various plug-ins based on the organizational structure.
  • [Advanced plan and above] When inviting a member to a workspace, you can now designate the channel and project to invite them as well.
  • [Enterprise plan] File downloads can now be blocked based on the role and device of the user to protect your organization’s data.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] The Approvals coordinator role was split into two new roles—approvals manager and template manager—have been added for detailed permission management and convenience. Also, settings for the approvers and the request team were specified.


  • [Plug-in: Guests] Guests can now sign in using SAML SSO.

Bug fixes:

  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When changing a proxy approver, the current proxy approver would appear in the member list as one of the selectable candidates.
  • [iPad app] The filters in the search results would sometimes not be applied properly.
  • In the search results page, selecting any result and returning would clear the previous results.

v2.20.4 12/09/2022

Bug fixes:

  • Moving to a channel or direct message channel via a push notification would make the app close.

v2.20.3 12/05/2022

What’s new:

  • [Plug-in: Approvals] The Approvals plug-in is now accessible on the Swit mobile app. You can engage in the following activities previously available only on desktop:
    • Write, submit, and recall requests.
    • Edit and delete request drafts.
    • Approve and reject submitted requests.
    • Designate a proxy approver.
  • [Enterprise plan] Files will now be scanned for malware when uploaded to enhance security. Only approved files will be available for download.

But fixes:

  • The following bugs with the search feature have been fixed:
    • [Advanced plan] In the search results, some direct messages would not display the content.
    • If the user selected a “type” filter in the Chat & ideas, Tasks, or Files tabs and searched with the same keyword again, only the results for the previously selected type would be shown in the “All” tab.
  • When “Prefer Cross-Fade Transitions” is switched on, a blank space would be shown in the keyboard area instead.
  • When the user moved to another workspace via a push notification and opened the @mention list box, the groups in the previous workspace would be shown as well.

v2.20.2 11/28/2022

What’s new:

  • New and enhanced search features are now available:
    • Extended scope: You can now search members and direct messages (Advanced plan and above).
    • Search filters: You can now use various filters such as member, channel, and project, plus workspace and direct message for the Advanced plan and above.
    • Search section: The search section now opens in the right panel for better usability. When needed, click on the “View larger” icon to open a larger search modal.

Bug fixes:

  • In the task details page, checklist-type custom fields would not be shown.
  • When a member became inactive or deleted, their status at the time of deactivation or removal of membership would be displayed.
  • [Advanced plan] While composing a direct message, swiping the app to the background and returning would make the text editor disappear.

v2.20.1 11/21/2022

Bug fixes:

  • [Free/Standard plan] After creating a project, the project would not appear on the project list in real time.
  • If an idea was posted with an @mention of a member not in the channel, the composer modal would not close when tapping on the “Post” button.
  • In a workspace with only one user, tapping on “Team & group” while creating a channel or project would display the user’s team and group when it shouldn’t.
  • When a message URL was shared to the channel the user was in, the content of the message would not be displayed properly in real time.
  • When sharing a direct message to a channel, it would be impossible to search for a member, team, or group to mention in the description.

v2.20.0 11/07/2022


  • Channels are loaded faster when users enter them.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor bugs.

v2.11.3 10/31/2022


  • When in a particular workspace, new notifications from other workspaces are now indicated by red dots for your convenience.
  • [Plug-in: Guests] Guests can now mention organization members in channels, projects, and direct message channels they’re in. Previously they could only mention @Channel, @NowChannel, @Project, and @Task.

Bug fixes:

  • Even after deleting a channel, the channel would not appear to have been deleted.
  • [Advanced plan] When in the details page of a task created from a direct message, the “share to channel” modal would list out channels from another workspace.

v2.11.2 10/17/2022


  • Users can now submit their inquiries and suggestions more conveniently. Tap the user profile on the bottom right corner, enter Settings, then tap on “Having issues?” to contact support.

Bug fixes:

  • When the user entered an archived channel via a mention notification, the channel would not show the alert that it was archived.
  • Inviting via an @mention to a channel or removing members would occasionally result in an error popup.
  • In channels and direct message channels, member profiles would sometimes not be displayed.

v2.11.1 10/04/2022

What’s new:

  • [Plug-in: Goals] Swit Goals helps your organization manage their objectives and key results (OKRs) effectively. Using this, your team can develop goals aligned with the company mission, track their progress, and reflect on the outcome to maintain engagement.

Bug fixes:

  • [Advanced plan] When having moved from a channel to a direct message channel, a temporary network disconnection would lead to the wrong presentation of the number of channel members.

v2.11.0 09/26/2022

What’s new:

  • Users can now customize the display mode to light mode or dark mode, independently of the device settings.
  • [Plug-in: Swit Guests] A "guest" role with limited privileges has been added for organizations. With the guest role, a more seamless workflow experience is made possible in internal and external communications.

Bug fixes:

  • The push notification for a new comment from another workspace would not take the user to the comment.
  • Canceling an upload in the task details page would result in an error popup.
  • A failed upload of a task comment, for example due to an unstable network, would be shown as if it were successful
  • On some devices, tapping on a message in the General channel would close the app.
  • [Advanced plan] A task period that had been on another device would not appear in the notification shown in “All activity.”

v2.10.9 09/19/2022

Bug fixes:

  • When the host of a channel or a project tapped on the “show more” button next to a member to transfer the host role or remove them, the menu would appear and disappear shortly after.
  • If the user put the Swit app to the background while in a task’s comments screen, the newly incoming comments wouldn’t be visible when the user returned to the app.
  • In some channels where the user had read the newest message, swiping up for home and returning to the app would make the “New post” message appear.
  • Even after deleting a channel, the deleted channel screen would remain open.
  • In “My tasks”, filters would occasionally not be applied.
  • The channels or projects with unread messages would occasionally not be displayed on the Unread list.
  • [Advanced plan] When SSO is disabled in an organization that previously allowed SSO only, its members wouldn't be able to sign in.
  • [Advanced plan] A direct message channel that the user is participating in would seem to be archived.
  • [Advanced plan] The direct message channel’s name would not match the person the user is conversing with.

v2.10.8 09/07/2022

Bug fixes:

  • Selecting an activity or mention notification to enter a workspace would result in failure to show recent changes to the channel, project, or task lists.
  • Mention notifications wouldn’t highlight the mentioned names contained in the box.
  • When inviting members to a channel or project, existing members would also appear on the list.
  • [Standard plan and above] In the task detail page, changing values such as the period, assignees, collaborators, color label, and tags would occasionally change the placeholders in blank fields.

v2.10.7 09/06/2022

Bug fixes:

  • Comments that were being composed on a task would often disappear when interrupted by some events such as network change or app switching.
  • Blank items would be placed between “All Activity” notifications.

v2.10.6 09/05/2022


  • The text editor has been added with various formatting tools (bullet points, ordered lists, blockquotes, and code blocks).

Bug fixes:

  • Creating a channel by adding members would occasionally close the Swit app.
  • The filename would appear as text when an upload failed.
  • Failure in an attachment upload on the task details page would result in infinite loading.
  • After moving to a task comment via a notification, moving to the task’s subtask would take the user to the comments.
  • When tapping on a mention contained in a task description, the member list or individual profile wouldn’t be displayed.
  • [Advanced plan] When the user moved to another workspace via a mention notification, some mentions wouldn’t be displayed properly.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When approving a request with file attachments, the file list would appear to be duplicated.

v2.10.5 08/26/2022


  • To enhance security, entering a password is now required to delete your account.
  • Comments entered on tasks are now saved in real time.

Bug fixes:

  • Tapping on a push notification for a new comment on a task would not take the user to the comment.
  • Dragging and dropping tasks in the bucket or status view would occasionally cause an app crash.
  • Unchecking the checkbox for an assignee or a collaborator would apply the change to the task even without the user’s Save action.
  • Uploading files to a channel would occasionally result in an error.
  • When converting a message to a new task or attaching it to an existing task, only public projects would appear on the list.
  • When the user added a tag to a task, its status value would disappear.
  • Tasks for which the due date is tomorrow would not appear when setting the task filter to Upcoming.
  • [Advanced plan] When a new team was created and members were added while in a channel, the newly created team would not appear in the mention list.

v2.10.4 08/10/2022


  • When in a channel, you can now see the number of members below the channel name.

Bug fixes:

  • New members’ profile information wouldn’t be displayed properly.
  • The push notifications for incoming webhooks wouldn't show the message content.
  • After switching to the calendar view in the project page, tasks wouldn’t be displayed.
  • When pasting from the clipboard into the text editor, the Send button would remain disabled.
  • Tapping on a Google Drive or OneDrive file attached to a task would cause an error.
  • [Standard plan and above] After creating a template in the project template view, entering the template details page would result in an error and creating another template would make it overlap with the existing template.
  • [Advanced plan] Sharing a task to a group direct message channel would occasionally result in an app crash.

v2.10.3 08/08/2022

Bug fixes:

  • Tapping on an activity notification for a comment on a task would always take the user to the newest comment.
  • When tapping on a notification for a task which already had been deleted, the relevant error modal would not be displayed.
  • After pasting copied text into a custom field, updating the profile information would not work properly.
  • When sharing a message or a task to a direct message channel, existing channels would not be searchable.
  • An attempt at viewing a notification for an unread project would freeze the screen.
  • [Standard plan and above] After creating a custom status, moving the status to the top would make the status seem disappeared.

v2.10.2 08/01/2022


  • [To be provided in the Enterprise plan] To improve information security in organizations, users are now notified when taking a screenshot and such events will be recorded in the audit log managed by the organization admins – feature available in a future release.

Bug fixes:

  • Having a new comment on your direct message would occasionally cause an app crash.
  • When writing a new message, the formatting option used in the previous message would appear to be kept.
  • While creating a task from a template, the app would occasionally close.
  • Tapping a push notification for a message would sometimes take the user to an older message in that channel.

v2.10.1 07/26/2022

Bug fixes:

  • When a task included Google Calendar & Meet links, these links would not be shown in the task details page.
  • When creating or inviting members to a channel or a project, the back button wouldn’t be displayed.
  • When a task was moved to the backlog, only some of the installed store apps would be shown in the task details page.
  • Tapping a notification for a new comment on a task would take the user to the first comment on the task instead of the new comment.
  • When a new tag was added to a task, two identically named tags would be displayed.
  • [Standard plan and above] In the subtask details page, the name of its root project wouldn’t be displayed.
  • [Advanced plan] While in an archived direct message channel, moving to another direct message channel through a push notification would show as if that channel were archived as well.

v2.10.0 07/24/2022

What’s new:

  • [Standard plan and above] The task and project functions have been enhanced with the following features to help you better organize your tasks and work more efficiently.
    • Add custom fields to configure the task details page as you want.
    • Customize your status options in addition to “To Do”, “Doing”, and “Done”.
    • Use templates for recurring tasks.
    • Add times to task periods.
    • Add subtasks under tasks.
    • Buckets and projects can now be duplicated.
    • Add up to 10 assignees to a task, which could previously only be assigned to one person.

Bug fixes:

  • [Advanced plan] When signing up for an organization via invitation, it would be impossible to type in English in the password field.

v2.02.6 07/18/2022


  • [Advanced plan] As the following options are now available in the Admin console SAML configuration page, they affect the usability of members in the Swit mobile app as well.
    • Organizations using user provisioning can now optionally disallow members from editing their profile information manually.
    • Organizations can use Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO through Microsoft Edge.

Bug fixes:

  • [Plug-in: Approvals] While the Swit app is closed, tapping a push notification for Approvals would fail to move the user to the right destination.

v2.02.5 07/08/2022

Bug fixes:

  • [Advanced plan] When using SSO (Single Sign-On) to sign in to the Swit app, the web browser would be opened repeatedly.

v2.02.4 07/06/2022

Bug fixes:

  • After reacting to a message with an emoji, tapping it again to remove the emoji reaction would close the app.
  • Links contained in a message’s comment wouldn’t work when tapped on.
  • Commenting on a message would occasionally cause an app crash.
  • The user information of a newly joined member to the workspace wouldn’t be displayed properly.
  • In the task details page, the comment count badge wouldn’t match the actual number of comments.
  • When the user entered a project repeatedly to check unread notifications, the screen would sometimes freeze.
  • When renaming a channel, typing in an unsupported character would not trigger an error message.
  • Even after reading all unread channels, their unread status would still remain.

v2.02.3 06/27/2022

What’s new:

  • You can now preview Microsoft 365 and HWP files without downloading them.
  • You can now delete your account on the mobile app.
  • [To be provided in the Enterprise plan] You can set up a PIN for the mobile Swit app for enhanced data security. Biometric authentication will be supported in the future.


  • [Advanced plan] When sharing a message to other channels, you can now mention any members in the organization. Previously, you could mention only those in the current workspace.
  • [Plug-in : Approvals] You can now view files attached to Approvals requests on mobile devices.

Bug fixes:

  • When converting a message to a task, the Next button would remain disabled even after some text was entered in the title section.
  • For direct messages containing both files and URLs, the OG data of the URLs wouldn’t be displayed.
  • When tapping a comment failed to post, there would be no response.
  • The notification bar indicating a network connection failure would not disappear after reconnecting.

v2.02.2 06/07/2022

What’s new:

  • [To be provided in the Enterprise plan] To improve information security in organizations, optional restriction on file downloads have been added. Administrative members will be able to set this option after the upcoming update for the Admin console.

Bug fixes:

  • While moving to another workspace, tapping a channel in the previous workspace would make the resulting screen not respond to tapping.
  • Right after installing the Swit app, moving to a direct message channel via a push notification and uploading a file would result in infinite loading.
  • When the user viewed a new direct message via a push notification, the red dot representing its unread status would still appear.
  • When newly joining several channels via messages shared in channels, only the last joined channel would appear on the channel list.
  • The Files in direct messages dialog box would show no more than a certain number of files.

v2.02.1 05/24/2022

Bug fixes:

  • Having a large amount of activity notifications piled up would cause an app crash.
  • When an image copied from a web browser was pasted into the Swit text editor, the mention and formatting tools wouldn’t work properly.
  • The direct message list would fail to display some emojis in the message previews.

v2.02.0 05/16/2022

Bug fixes:

  • Attaching files to a comment on a message, idea, or direct message would close the app.
  • When someone who belonged to only one workspace deleted it or tried to leave from the workspace, the app would close.
  • After reacting to an idea with an emoji, the emoji box wouldn’t be highlighted.
  • When the user tapped an emoji box to see who reacted, the scroll would not work.
  • In the user profile settings page, updating the profile would fail if the telephone number field had been emptied.
  • While viewing a pinned message, when the user tapped the button to jump to the newest message, it would not work.
  • When searching members, those in “Unassigned” would be displayed with their profile image filled black.

v2.01.9 04/26/2022

Bug fixes:

  • When the user long pressed on an emoji reaction box to see who reacted, wrong profile images would be shown occasionally.

v2.01.8 04/25/2022


  • Push notification settings are now managed on an account basis and accessible on the mobile app.

Bug fixes:

  • When tapping the push notification for a new comment on a task, an error message would appear.

v2.01.7 04/18/2022

What’s new:

  • Projects with unread activities are now displayed at the top of the project list under “Unread.”
  • [Advanced plan] User profiles can be extended with “custom fields” to meet your organization’s specific needs. Organization administrators can add various types of custom fields, and each member can freely fill in those fields on their profile.

v2.01.6 04/11/2022


  • Stabilized the app by resolving crashes.
  • When a task has been moved to another project after a notification came in, tapping the notification now takes the user to the new project normally.

Bug fixes:

  • When the user tapped the push notification for a new comment in a task, an error message would appear.
  • When the user swiped up for home and returned to the app, all unread badges next to the channel names would briefly disappear.
  • [Advanced plan] When searching organization members, choosing to view by teams would show inactive members also.

v2.01.5 04/04/2022


  • [Advanced plan] When searching for a member to start a new direct message channel or invite to a group direct message channel, the hierarchy of their team is now displayed as Parent team > Child team (previously: Parent team, Child team).
  • Permissions to manage both channels and projects in a workspace can now have separate settings. Channels and projects each are given greater independence and security.

v2.01.4 03/24/2022


  • Stabilized the app by resolving crashes.

Bug fixes:

  • Tapping a push notification to move to the target location wouldn’t work intermittently.

v2.01.3 03/21/2022

What’s new:

  • To avoid confusion, the sign-in process has been simplified and you can now choose your plan to sign in from the main page.
  • Channels with unread messages are now displayed at the top of the channel list under “Unread”.


  • When you enter a channel with unread messages, you will be taken to where you left off, making it easier for you to keep track of the conversation.
  • [Approvals plug-in] The following updates have been made.
    • When you tap the push notification for a new comment to enter the relevant page, the selected comment is now highlighted.
    • Added some new cases to “All activity” notifications.

Bug fixes:

  • Stabilized the app by resolving crashes.

v2.01.2 03/07/2022

What’s new:

  • Swit now offers enhanced security for your account: In the event of five unsuccessful login attempts, your account will be locked for protection for a certain period of time.
  • In the task details page, the previously separate sections of Related messages & ideas and Attachments are now merged into a single section under Attachments for better accessibility.
  • [Advanced only] In the task details page, you can now attach direct messages and requests from Approvals (paid plug-in feature) as well. This sharing also can be performed from:
    • The Direct messages page (both “convert to new task” & “add to task”), and
    • The Approvals page (“add to task” only)


  • [Advanced only] When sharing a message to a channel, you will now see the list of all members in the organization in addition to @Channel (every member in the channel) and @NowChannel (every member online in the channel).
  • [Advanced only] When an organization allows both single sign-on (SSO) and basic sign-in, its members can now sign up without an SSO account. Previously, when SSO was enabled, sign-up would have been restricted only to SSO account holders so organizations couldn’t use SSO unless every member had an SSO account.

Bug fixes:

  • Tapping a push notification from the Swit app would occasionally force-close the app when switching to it.

v2.01.1 02/28/2022


  • Stabilized the app by resolving crashes.

Bug fixes:

  • While the Swit app is running in the background, tapping a push notification would make the user return to the previous page they had been in instead of showing the page the notification was about.
  • Whenever the user entered a certain direct message channel, the app would close.
  • Messages in Chat would be displayed in an incorrect order.
  • After writing a comment to a message, the newly posted text would be momentarily overlapping the existing text on the screen.
  • When the user entered a channel or a project through the activity or the mention notifications panel and tapped the back button, the back button wouldn’t work properly.

v2.01.0 02/10/2022


  • Stabilized the app by resolving crashes.
  • Improved the Bluetooth keyboard usability.

Bug fixes:

  • When editing a message, the Enter key wouldn't work properly.
  • While the Swit app is running in the background, tapping a push notification to move to a direct message channel would prevent the app from updating newly incoming messages from others, making real-time conversation impossible.
  • When changing the channels or projects’ notification settings or converting them to private, the icon next to the channel/project name wouldn’t reflect the changes accordingly in real time.
  • [Advanced only] The direct message channel list would intermittently disappear.

v2.00.9 01/27/2022

What’s new:

  • When connected to a Bluetooth keyboard, you can now use some additional features with key input.
    • Press “Enter” to send a message.
    • Press “Option + Enter” to insert a line break.


  • Stabilized the app by resolving crashes.

Bug fixes:

  • When the user logged in to Swit with their Apple ID, it wouldn’t work properly.

v2.00.8 01/17/2022


  • Stabilized the app by resolving crashes.
  • Many kinds of resources now can contain the following special characters in their name: &, _, -, (, and ).
    • Applicable types: Usernames, groups, teams, apps, workspaces, channels, folders, and projects
  • [Advanced only] Various types of data attached to direct messages are now displayed in a more user-friendly way.

Bug fixes:

  • A workspace deletion modal and a network error modal would show up intermittently.

v2.00.7 01/06/2022


  • Stabilized the app by resolving crashes.

Bug fixes:

  • The user occasionally would have trouble loading the workspace list.