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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v4.1.1 12/20/2021

Bug fixes:

  • When the “All tasks” list is filtered by “Unassigned,” selecting any task on the list would remove the task from the list after the task was closed.
  • When editing a checklist item in a task, if the text contained sequences of characters that can be recognized as HTML entity codes (e.g.: &), they would be automatically converted.
  • [Windows app only] Running the built-in Windows screen recorder would cause the Swit app to stop working.

v4.1.0 12/13/2021


  • When in Do not disturb mode, the remaining time is now displayed down to the second.

Bug fixes:

  • Once a number of files have been uploaded to the text editor, text couldn’t be typed in normally.
  • When adding a new task, if the title contained sequences of characters that can be recognized as HTML entity codes (e.g.: &), they would be automatically converted.
  • [Advanced only] If the user added a new member to a group direct message channel using an @mention, switching to another channel would cause an error.

v4.0.7 12/06/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Occasionally, PDF uploads would fail to show their preview.
  • When selecting a bucket in a project opened in the right panel, the screen wouldn’t be automatically scrolled up to the top.

v4.0.6 11/29/2021

Bug fixes:

  • If a video without a thumbnail was uploaded to a direct message channel, no OG preview would be shown and no subsequent messages could be entered in the channel.

v4.0.5 11/23/2021

Bug fixes:

  • When creating a new task in a channel, or sharing a task to a channel, the project/channel selector modal would fail to show search results properly.
  • When searching the “All tasks” page, spaces contained in the keyword would cause inaccurate results.

v4.0.4 11/22/2021


  • You can now check participants' activity status in direct message channels.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed several bugs with “All tasks.”
  • [Installed app only] When trying to enter a deleted project through the history menu at the top of the screen, the app would fail to show an error message.

v4.0.3 11/16/2021


  • [Advanced plan] In the Workspace members panel, direct messaging from the Members & Teams tabs is now available again, which temporarily disappeared after the recent upgrade of direct messaging.

Bug fixes:

  • In “My Tasks”, sorting by “Project” wouldn’t work.

v4.0.2 11/11/2021


  • When in the project screen, the right panel now maintains a robust performance even with a massive amount of tasks in the main section.
  • The left panel section showing all channels or projects now shows which of the channels or projects are starred. Previously, only the Starred section showed what were starred.
  • To reduce user confusion, a starred channel or project that is with a badge notification but out of the screen is no longer marked with a red bar if it’s shown in the Starred section.
  • When copying from a Microsoft Office app and pasting it into Swit’s text editor, its accompanying attachments also are uploaded.
    • For example, tables from Excel, or shapes from PowerPoint will be added as images.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed several bugs discovered in the new features of the Nov 7 release, including direct messages, enhanced notifications, and channel/project folders.
  • When moving from “All tasks” to another project with badge notifications, the badge notifications wouldn't disappear.
  • When integrating with GitLab, the project list would show no more than 20 entries.

v4.0.0 11/07/2021

What's new:

  • [Advanced only] All direct message channels across workspaces are now merged at the organization level. Now you can view and send any direct messages in one convenient place, and group conversations will be also available in addition to one-on-one conversations.
  • [Advanced only] e-Approvals has been added as a paid plugin for larger-sized enterprises. New filters have been added to the activity and mentions lists, respectively:
    • Activity: “Unread/Read”
    • Mentions: “Unread/Read” and “Mentions of my name only”
  • The following functions has been added in regard to channel & project starring:
    • Previously, starred channels and projects were moved to the Starred area. From now on, while they remain at their original positions, they are also available in the Starred area.
    • Folders can be used in the Starred area.
    • The channel & project lists are now alphabetically sorted.
  • [Installed app only] You can now navigate backward and forward in the app using the new buttons at the top of the screen. You can also view your recently visited pages and quickly move back to any page in the history.
  • The Help Center has been revamped to provide a more convenient user interface and guidelines for all new features. It now supports Korean too.
  • The Release Notes & Roadmap site has been opened, where we’ll announce every new update and share our future development plans. It also provides the capability to handily track any past releases.

v3.5.22 10/25/2021

Bug fixes:

  • When files were uploaded to the task comment editor but the comment was still being composed, if the Internet connection was lost and then restored, the files would disappear.
  • In a channel, if clicking on the Pinned messages icon before the channel page was still being loaded, the Pinned messages box wouldn’t be opened.
  • When copying text from Microsoft Word to the Swit text editor, bulleted and numbered lists would create an unintended line break after each bullet point and number.

v3.5.21 10/18/2021


  • When adding to a task an email thread containing a large number of messages, the screen loading is completed when the first 10 messages are added while the remaining messages are still being added on the server side. This change is to ensure better performance and stability.
  • The display of the maximum number of channel & project members and pinned messages has changed from 99+ to 9999+ so that now users can see the exact number in a much larger range.
  • [Installed app] The taskbar/Dock app icon’s animation triggered by push notifications has been improved to remove distractions:
    • Set a limit for animation duration: 3 seconds for Windows / 1 bounce for macOS
    • An option added to disable the animation: From the top menu, Swit → Preferences → Animate app icon when receiving push notification.
  • [Installed app] The in-app zoom settings are now maintained even after the app is closed. Additionally, for Swit for Windows, the missing zoom-out shortcut is now supported (Ctrl + -).

Bug fixes:

  • When entering Workspace settings and immediately leaving it, the settings page would occasionally reopen.
  • In some environment and zoom settings, a white vertical line would show up in the project box icon.
  • When hovering over the thumbnail of a PDF attachment, the mouse pointer wouldn’t change to the magnifying glass icon.
  • In the task description editor, the presence of some language characters would abnormally cause the Confirm button to become disabled.
  • When choosing direct message recipients in the Workspace members panel, the latencies with checkbox selection and deselection would vary with screen size.
  • When creating a new task in the project screen, if the user typed the title in and pressed Enter quickly, the last character input would be dropped off from the created task’s title.
  • Custom emojis would disappear from the Recent section in the emoji box.
  • Google Calendar events shared as messages would show the UTC offset in the wrong format.

v3.5.20 10/05/2021


  • When exploring files on Google Drive or OneDrive for Swit, you can now see the full name of a file by hovering the mouse pointer over it. This is particularly useful when a filename is too long to see within the explorer.
  • [Installed app] The app icon on the taskbar (Windows) or the dock (macOS) is now triggered by push notifications to show a visual effect.

Bug fixes:

  • While sliding through images across different comments, the uploader’s profile shown would remain the same even when viewing an image uploaded by someone else.
  • In a task’s details page, clicking on an image thumbnail in the “Related messages and ideas” section would not load the image in the dedicated preview window.

v3.5.19 09/13/2021

What's new:

  • Chatbot is now available. When you send a message containing a specific keyword, Chatbot will automatically reply with a predefined message.
    • Workspace members can use this feature to easily find answers to frequently asked questions.
    • Chatbot can be configured from the workspace settings menu only by the master and admins.

Bug fixes:

  • When typing in a message, opening and then closing the emoji picker occasionally causes the Enter key not to work or to add the last selected emoji again.
  • In the project page, the dropdown menu opened by clicking the project name shows the “View all shared files” item as disabled.
  • The Copy task dialog box would always show the Untitled bucket by its initial name even if it had been renamed.
  • On Swit for Windows, pasting multi-line text into the “New task” field would fail to add multiple tasks.
  • [Advanced plan] On Google Calendar & Meet for Swit, recurring events would show the wrong date when viewed via “View details.”

v3.5.18 08/24/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Outlook Mail for Swit would remain blank when signed in.

v3.5.17 08/24/2021

What's new:

  • The “All tasks” features have been enhanced.
    • When you’re in All tasks, changes you make to tasks therefrom will now be immediately applied on the screen. However, changes by other members won’t be shown in real time while you stay in the All tasks page.
    • The filter design for My tasks and all other projects has been changed to the same one as that for All tasks.
    • Changes you make to a filter set will now be preserved even if you leave the page without saving the changed filter set.
    • Every filter’s dropdown includes “Select all,” which previously was given for only some filters.

Bug fixes:

  • On the Swit Store, selecting “Manage Actions” for the GitHub app would cause an error message.
  • When a workspace and its Swit Store are open at the same time in different tabs, clicking on the Activity or Mentions icon would cause the Swit Store in the other tab to reload.
  • When My tasks were being listed out on the right panel, adding a new task to any project in the main screen would cause the new task to show up twice.
  • When the Sent folder was open on Gmail for Swit, clicking on Refresh multiple times would cause the folder label to change to “Inbox.”

v3.5.16 08/02/2021


  • When selecting a task on a project’s Timeline view, now the focus automatically moves to the task’s schedule period. You no longer have to scroll left or right to see a task scheduled for the distant past or future.

Bug fixes:

  • [Swit for Windows] When the Swit app’s window is minimized, selecting a push notification from the Action Center wouldn’t restore the window.
  • [Swit for Windows] In older versions of Windows, Swit push notifications would cause an error message to pop up.

v3.5.15 07/26/2021

What's new:

  • Now you can opt out of receiving promotion emails at sign-up or later in account settings.

Bug fixes:

  • When using Swit on a Windows device, notifications would disappear from the Action Center.
  • Under certain conditions, emojis would be displayed as plain strings.
  • When waking the device from sleep mode, the Swit app would cause an error message while loading data for the embedded web browser tabs.

v3.5.14 07/19/2021

What's new:

  • “All tasks” has been added to the project box. The feature helps look over all tasks belonging to all your joined projects, and all public projects that you aren't participating in.
  • In a task, you can now specify a due date and an assignee on each checklist item.

Bug fixes:

  • The workspace name supposed to be shown in the browser or Windows tab was occasionally missing.
  • Several issues occurred when dragging over an emoji typed in the message editor and applying the inline code style to it.
  • When a web browser tab was added to a channel, it wouldn't be immediately made visible to other members who were staying in the channel.

v3.5.13 07/12/2021

What's new:

  • Now, “Copy task URL” is available on each task listed in the project without the need to open the particular task’s detail page.
  • In the project bucket view, you can now rename “Untitled bucket” to your preferred one, and relocate it freely with a drag-and-drop.


  • Reduced the latencies when applying each task filter.

Bug fixes:

  • Access by URL to a task in a project the user has not joined would unexpectedly change the URL path to “mytask.”
  • Clicking on Activity items multiple times would cause a failure message to pop up.
  • When downloading files to a Windows file system, the incompatible characters contained in their name would not be automatically replaced.
  • When a channel was created, “Modify channel purpose” in the initial message would not work.
  • After moving a task, the user couldn’t move to the destination project by clicking “Go to this project” on the popup showing up at the bottom if the right panel was open.
  • Clicking on a pinned message while the right panel was open caused a failure message to pop up.
  • If the project box was set as the default box and the user last visited an archived channel, clicking on the channel box icon from the project screen would fail to open the channel box.
  • The app would occasionally shut down in the macOS High Sierra (10.13) environment.

v3.5.12 06/28/2021

What’s new:

  • Now you can select which of the channel and project boxes comes first when entering the workspace. To set it up, go to Workspace settings.
  • [Advanced Plan] The Shortcuts page has been added to the organization home for quick access to company-wide used web pages.

Bug fixes:

  • When a long text was in the message editor, selecting a text block by dragging it down would cause automatic scroll-up to the beginning point.
  • When using Quick Find, the search results would occasionally not be selected by clicking it on or pressing Enter.
  • In the Team view, tasks were able to be dragged and dropped onto deactivated members to make them assignees.
  • Even after leaving a project, My tasks still showed the tasks that had been assigned to the user in the project.
  • If an OG text attached to a message was too long, its right side would get cut off.
  • When composing a message, if the mention list opened by typing in an @ was closed by pressing ESC, the Enter key wouldn’t work until another key press or click was made.

v3.5.11 06/21/2021


  • Profile loading has been faster.
  • In the comment image preview, the user can now slide to images attached to other comments.
  • Google Drive for Swit’s search UX has been enhanced.

Bug fixes:

  • [Advanced Plan] Issues with workspace and member search:
    • The page number list would remain unchanged even with no workspaces found from the search.
    • Filters wouldn’t apply correctly to member searches.
  • On Google Drive for Swit, the “Shared with me” files showed their “Last Modified” dates in the “Owner” column if they didn’t have an owner.
  • Even after the user was removed from a task’s collaborator list, the “Task I’m collaborating on” filter would let that particular task remain included.
  • If the user had last visited a channel’s web browser tab and this tab was deleted subsequently, they saw the deletion notification modal each time they visited the channel.
  • When adding a web browser tab to a channel, the URL format would not be properly validated.
  • A user’s profile box opened on the right panel did not disappear when a task was opened in the main section, thereby causing some display issues.
  • Under certain conditions, typing an @ in the message text editor would cause the mention list to appear in the upper-left corner.

v3.5.10 06/09/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Other minor issues.

v3.5.9 06/09/2021

Bug fixes:

  • In projects, the Timeline view wouldn’t show the filter set.
  • Google Drive files that have already been removed to Trash would still appear on Google Drive for Swit.
  • Issues that would cause performance degradation.
  • Other minor issues.

v3.5.7 06/08/2021

What’s new:

  • [Advanced plan] The home screen’s left panel has been enhanced for user convenience.
  • [Standard plan] The free trial period has been extended from two weeks to four weeks.

Bug fixes:

  • If the app was left active without user input for a few hours, then emoji reactions couldn’t be added.
  • When using Gmail for Swit, email threads would show the date of their oldest message, instead of the newest one’s date, when displayed in the list.
  • On Google Drive for Swit, when clicking on a folder found via the search bar, it would start blinking and not open.
  • Google Drive for Swit would show the same search results both in My Drive and Shared with me.

v3.5.5 05/31/2021

What’s new:

  • “Auto-join settings” added to the Workspace settings menu. The master and admins can now pick channels and projects that any new workspace members will automatically join. This feature is available on the Standard and Advanced plans.
  • Google Drive for Swit 2.0 is available on Swit Store.
    • The folder feature is now supported.
    • Shared drives have become accessible.
    • The shortcuts and third-party connections on your drives have become accessible.
  • The Analytics page now offers some additional features:
    • In Overview, the Tasks section has been added with a new tab, “Task marked Done.”
    • The date range filter now offers two additional options, “Last week” and “Yesterday.”
    • The master and admins now can see the statistics for the private channels and projects too.
  • For the Timeline view, date range options have been added to allow the user to view the project by day, week, month, quarter, or year.
  • A due date filter has been added to the project page.

Bug fixes:

  • When visiting a public project by entering its URL in the browser, an error message would pop up.
  • When different projects were opened in separate browser tabs, a mention of someone who was not in the project would cause the invitation prompt to pop up in all the opened projects.
  • When the mention list is open, inserting an emoji would let the mention list reopen.
  • In the Analytics page, the workspace icon in the top-left corner did not have a link to the workspace home.
  • In the project page, the tasks marked Done were not shown with their titles in strikethrough.
  • When pasting a text from the clipboard, a leading and a trailing line break were automatically added.
  • The service suspension notice for an expired workspace would appear unnecessarily when signed in and out, and it would always show the initial workspace name even if the workspace had been renamed.

v3.5.4 05/20/2021


  • When entering a project, you can open any loaded task while other tasks are still being loaded.
  • As the enhanced Gmail integration is now available on the right panel, the Mail Box has been removed from the left bar.

Bug fixes:

  • When a project is opened in the list view with a massive number of tasks, the scroll bar would not work when dragged up or down using the mouse.
  • The Interactive Guide would appear when first entering a user-created channel although it is supposed to pop up immediately when the user visits the General channel for the first time.
  • Files with a long name would cause an error when downloaded.
  • On a task, clicking on “Collaborate” would occasionally cause the Collaborators section to include duplicates of the user’s icon.
  • When creating checklist items by pasting a multi-line text from the clipboard, a blank item would be placed between each checklist item.
  • When trying to move a task into another project, the Select Bucket dropdown would remain disabled for seconds.
  • When uploading a comment with an attachment on a slow internet connection, the attachment would remain invisible until the user reopens the comment list.
  • When trying to leave the Ideation page while editing, the “Leave page” modal dialog would pop up twice.
  • When moving from one channel to another while writing an idea, the latter channel’s ideation page would keep the former’s idea draft.
  • In a workspace that has reached its storage limit, uploading a file to a task would not trigger an alert modal.
  • When entering a project while the same project has already been opened on the right panel, the custom filter set would not properly apply.

v3.5.3 05/12/2021

Bug fixes:

  • When an email with multiple attachments was shared to Swit and opened thereon, clicking “Save All” did not have all files automatically downloaded but prompted the user to name each file.
  • After entering a channel the user was already in or a direct messaging channel from the Browse Channel modal, clicking one of the icons in the top-right corner would reopen the browsing modal.
  • When attaching a file to the first comment on a message, the attachment was not visible in the text editor.

v3.5.2 05/11/2021


  • For each channel visited, the last tab selection, either Chat or Ideation, is maintained even after navigating to somewhere else and coming back.
  • In My Tasks, the user’s custom filter settings are now maintained even after navigating to somewhere else and coming back.
  • In the OneDrive/SharePoint app, the information items displayed for files and folders have been improved for better usability:
    • In the files & folders list, each folder item now shows its size and last modified date.
    • In the files & folders list, each file item shows who last modified it, instead of its creator.
    • In the file details view, if you’re the owner of the file, the owner property will now be shown as “me” instead of your name.
  • Following the previous performance Updates focused on the kanban view, we’ve made a second round of improvements with project loading speeds, including those for the list.
  • The emoji icon has been refined.

Bug fixes:

  • The workspace’s analytics page would occasionally fail to load.
  • Once a task was opened from the search page, clicking on the project name in the top bar would direct the user back to the search page, rather than to the project page.
  • If six or seven tasks were scheduled for the same date and the user clicked “View more” in this date’s cell in the Calendar view, no more tasks could be added in the same view.
  • When using the Google Calendar & Meet app, the Confirm button in the “Meet now” dialog box popping up from a channel would remain disabled until the user changes the calendar selection.
  • In the project screen, if a multi-line text was pasted into the “Add a task” field and the “Add many tasks of the same number of lines” option was selected, the Confirm button would not work.
  • In the Team view of the project screen, removing the assignee would move the task card to “Unassigned Tasks” but the assignee’s icon in it would remain unremoved.
  • While writing a message in a channel, pressing the Up key multiple times would switch to editing mode for the user’s previous comment.
  • When using the Swit app installed from the App Store, the Updates notification popup would force the user to Updates the app immediately.
  • When the project screen was resized to a certain width range, the project name and the toolbar image next to it would be overlapping.
  • If a message was sent with escaped HTML entities contained, those entities would be displayed unescaped in the channel (for example, < → < and > → >).
  • While in the Bucket view of the project screen, creating a bucket and then a task would disable the drag & drop functionality so the view could not work normally.

v3.5.0 04/21/2021


  • The project kanban view loads much faster even with a great deal of tasks contained.

Bug fixes:

  • The interactive guide would not launch when trying to open it from the menu in the top-right corner.
  • When adding a collaborator in a task, the existing collaborator list would blink momentarily.
  • [Advanced Plan] In the Administration page, member deletion was able to be requested more than once.
  • Several issues with the Outlook Mail integration app.
  • The “Unread” badge would occasionally re-appear on a channel after reading all messages therein.
  • On some devices, using some Swit Store apps would occasionally demand too much computing resources.
  • In the text editor, some URLs were not properly recognized when automatically converted to hyperlinks. This happened when the user deleted some part of the URL and re-typed it.

v3.4.3 04/12/2021


  • Now you can enter and view direct messaging channels with those who have left the workspace or whose membership is currently inactive.
  • When a new web browser tab is added to a channel or project, the tab is now automatically opened so the user can immediately check the added tab.

Bug fixes:

  • A number of issues with some Swit Store apps.
  • [Installed macOS app] The app would occasionally fail to show its version.
  • When two or more files were uploaded simultaneously, the same file would in rare cases be uploaded multiple times.
  • In the search page, selecting a search item containing an @mention would in rare cases prompt an error popup.

v3.4.2 03/30/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Some issues surfaced with releasing the web browser tab function and new Google and Microsoft service integrations.
  • [Installed app only] Some old files couldn’t be downloaded if their name contained spaces.
  • Backlog tasks would be automatically set to “To Do” when added with assignee and schedule settings.
  • When typing an email address in the text editor, the auto-made hyperlink would not apply to the whole length of the address text if its top-level domain is longer than two characters.

v3.4.1 03/29/2021

What's new:

  • You can add web browser tabs to channels and projects to help members have easier access to relevant websites.

Bug fixes:

  • [Installed app only] After signed in to the Gmail integration, the screen would remain unloaded.

v3.4.0 03/29/2021

What’s new:

Some new Microsoft and Google services are available in Swit to facilitate data sharing and your team collaboration:

  • Microsoft Outlook Mail
  • Microsoft Outlook Calendar
  • Microsoft OneDrive/SharePoint
  • Google Calendar & Meet
  • Gmail 2.0

You can install these integrations from Swit Store.

Bug fixes:

  • [Installed app only] When writing in the text editor, the Paste item from the context menu would clear all formatting from the pasted text, making it a plain text.
  • Once a task layer was opened in a project’s Calendar view, it would remain open even after moving to another project.
  • In the task details view, once a text was pasted into the content editor immediately after clicking on the content section to open the editor, the Confirm button remained disabled despite the pasted text having been added.
  • In the text editor, the hyperlink-editing layer would occasionally present the Escape button in the wrong position.
  • In archived channels, the text editor would remain enabled.

v3.3.1 03/18/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Some old file attachments couldn't be downloaded.

  • When pasting from the clipboard to a text editor, new-lines were unexpectedly attached to the pasted text.

  • In the workspace, each group would load no more than 100 members even if it has more members.

  • [Advanced feature] When trying to invite people by email to the organization, the “Send invitation” button would remain disabled even with some email addresses already entered.

  • [On Windows] When switching a dual-monitor setup to single, the Swit app would occasionally be positioned out of the screen.

v3.3.0 03/09/2021

What’s new:

  • Some new keyboard shortcuts are available in task context.
    • Alt (Option) + D: Mark as done
    • Alt (Option) + A: Change assignee
    • Alt (Option) + M: Designate myself as assignee
    • Alt (Option) + C: Change collaborators
    • Alt (Option) + U: Copy task URL
  • Swit is now optimized for M1 Mac devices as a Universal app.


  • In the Zoom integration, each meeting’s schedule time will now be shown based on the user’s time zone preference on Swit. Previously, the display time zone was based on the Zoom account’s setting.
  • File download functionality has been enhanced. If used on the app, you can select a destination path or rename the file.
  • User experience with real-time features has been improved and stabilized.

Bug fixes:

  • In the comment section of a message, uploading a file while holding down the Shift key would clear the comment text editor if any text was typed in.

  • The text editor would ignore newlines in the text pasted from some type of external source.

  • In the Timeline view, scrolling down over a long-sized task would cause the app to stop working.

  • When copying & pasting a text that contained two adjacent mentions, they were pasted with no space separating them.

  • When writing or editing an idea, leaving for another tab or channel was done without a prompt asking if the user would like to discard the draft.

  • When a file upload to a task was in progress, the same progress bar would appear on every task’s page.

  • In the task page, the file browser dialog for file upload wouldn’t allow selecting multiple files.

v3.2.0 02/24/2021

Bug fixes:

  • If the right-side task list contained too many tasks, the outer window frame would display a scroll bar.

  • [On macOS] When launching at PC startup, the app did not appear on the screen.

  • [Advanced Plan] The organization member list always showed a scroll bar even with few members in the list.

v3.1.4 02/17/2021

What’s new:

  • The menu openable from the workspace’s top-right corner now includes a new item “Give feedback to G2,” which enables users to leave a review on G2 conveniently without signing up.

Bug fixes:

  • When a GitHub action was added from within a workspace, the user would be redirected back to the top-level home screen.

  • Under certain conditions, when a chat message was sent, its contained mentions failed to convey their corresponding user ID.

  • In rare cases, an error message titled “A JavaScript error occurred in the main process” was prompted.

  • When a task contained more than one Zoom link, unlinking only one of them would result in showing as if all links were removed.

v3.1.3 02/01/2021

What’s new:

  • Now the “General” channel can be renamed and its purpose can be edited.


  • Improved text editor experience with copying & pasting bulleted items.

Bug fixes:

  • When uploading multiple files, the progress bar would sometimes remain visible even after all files have already been uploaded.

  • In the Calendar view, the Unscheduled tasks section toggle button would sometimes not work.

  • In the Timeline view, the Export button would not work.

v3.1.2 01/25/2021

What’s new:

  • [Advanced] Now Advanced Plan users are enabled to issue and send links to invite people to their organization.

Bug fixes:

  • Stability issues with sign-in and network sockets.

  • In the modal dialog to share a message to a task, the HTML entities contained in the dropdown menu options were displayed as encoded.

  • Under certain conditions, group mentions copied to the clipboard would be pasted as plaintext.

  • When editing an idea, if changes were made only to attachments, and not to the body content, the Confirm button would remain disabled.

  • Inline code text wouldn’t be bold-formatted.

  • When removing a member from a group, the member in the modal dialog was displayed by ID, instead of by name.

v3.1.0 01/13/2021

What’s new:

  • You can now mark mentions as unread in the list.
  • An option to automatically launch the app at startup has been added.
  • In the task page, you can now move the focus from the title to the description section by pressing the Tab key.

Bug fixes:

  • Direct navigation from one channel's comment section to another one’s comment section would cause failure to Updates the comments.
  • HTML entities contained in task titles were shown as encoded when displayed in a dropdown menu.
  • When multiple files were attached to a message, they weren’t arranged in the order they were selected.
  • When dragging & dropping a Google Drive file onto the channel section, it was uploaded immediately instead of being added to the text editor.
  • Under certain conditions, projects were opened with the Team view even if the user last selected another view.
  • The message sharing modal window sometimes failed to count the number of comments correctly.
  • Under certain conditions, the message sharing modal window behaved as if a channel were already selected even though no channels were selected.
  • The labels in the message sharing modal window were always displayed in English rather than in the selected language.
  • Changes to a member profile were not Updates in real time to other users online in the workspace at the moment.