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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v3.4.2 12/18/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Occasionally, after entering a channel containing unread messages and then returning to the channel list, the list displayed abnormally with the unread badge persisting.

v3.4.1 12/11/2023

Bug fixes:

  • In the following cases, the channel or project list would sometimes not be updated in real time:
    • When you created a channel and then immediately deleted it
    • When you joined a new channel or project by browsing channels or projects.

v3.4.0 12/11/2023


  • We've moved the Notifications tab to the bottom for a more comfortable reach.
  • The “Chat” button is now available on your own profile too.
  • Enhanced date and time display: Display now aligns with your language preferences, including those beyond Korean, English, and Japanese.

Bug fixes:

  • The Do not disturb mode status persisted even after expiration.
  • If only the workspace master and admins, not the channel hosts, were given the permissions to archive and delete channels, these options were inaccessible to the workspace admins in the channels where they were also the host.
  • When editing a task description that contained custom emojis, the caret would shift to the most recently inserted custom emoji.
  • Addressed incorrect application of My Tasks filters across different workspaces.
  • Changes to phone numbers made on other devices were not updated in real time.
  • In an archived project, the More menu for statuses would allow you to add or delete statuses.
  • While attaching an idea to a task, selecting “Personal” would display not just personal tasks, but all tasks you’re participating in.
  • Deleting a recently created project wouldn’t apply in real time.
  • In an organization with a Hub plan, the filters for notifications did not work properly.
  • Organization home:
    • Adding or switching organizations would occasionally cause the app to freeze.
    • Switching to an organization with no workspaces you’re in would display the channel list from the previously visited organization.
    • Switching accounts for the same organization resulted in switching to the wrong account.
  • Rich text formatting:
    • Fixed scrolling issues when entering an idea with some text styles.
    • Resolved occasional incorrect display of group mentions as “@...”
  • “Sign out all other sessions”:
    • It was impossible to sign in with an account that you had signed out of all other sessions on another device.
    • Tapping on “Sign out all other sessions” would not apply in real time.
  • “Shake to report a problem”:
    • In Contact Support > Description, inputting text and tapping on Next would make the input text disappear.
    • The feature wouldn’t function while in channels, projects, or chats.
  • Approvals:
    • It was impossible to attach an Approvals request to a personal task.
    • In Navigate teams, a user belonging to multiple team levels was only searchable under their highest-level team.

v3.3.0 11/27/2023


  • Deep linking to chat: You can instantly open a chat with your colleagues from any external app with just a single click. Enjoy faster and smoother communication!
  • Increased message length: Now you can compose messages and comments with up to 12,000 characters! It's a big jump from the previous 4,000 limit, giving you more space to share your thoughts and collaborate effectively.

Bug fixes

  • Renaming an untitled bucket would not apply immediately.
  • When you collapse a project folder and switch to another screen, it will be expanded again when you return.
  • The “Shake to report a problem” function would disable itself after shaking the device, entering the "Contact Support" page, and then returning.
  • In the notifications tab, the user names sometimes appeared as “Unknown.”
  • Mentioning a team on an idea comment would result in the display of two duplicate mentions.
  • In organizations that required a mobile PIN, there were occasional delays or failures in loading the PIN screen.
  • On the details page of an image uploaded to a channel or chat, selecting the same option more than once would cause the function disabled.
  • When adding a member to a channel or project, teams were not included in the search results.
  • It was impossible to compose an idea comment at length.
  • When a task was shared to a channel, entering via the shared component and deleting the task failed to close the details page.
  • When sharing an uploaded image file in a channel, tapping on the @mention icon wouldn’t open the mention list.
  • The channel or project list would sometimes disappear when:
    • Collapsing a project folder.
    • Starring a new channel or project.
  • The following operations wouldn’t show the results in real time in the app.
    • Duplicating a personal task in My tasks.
    • Deleting a project status.
    • Editing the task details.
    • [Plug-in: Approvals] Saving a draft of the request template.

v3.2.0 11/13/2023


  • Enhanced update reminders: Now you’ll experience fewer interruptions from update alerts. Update at your convenience, on your schedule.

Bug fixes

  • When converting a message to a task, the app would occasionally crash.
  • Fixed the following bugs with mentions:
    • When mentioning @Channel or @NowChannel in a channel or chat, an extra @ special character was inserted, preventing the mention from applying correctly.
    • When editing an idea comment containing a group mention, the group name would not be displayed properly.
  • If the app was moved to the background during the generation of a new message in a channel or chat, the app would occasionally crash or fail to load new messages.
  • Converting a subtask with six or more assignees to a main task would cause an error popup.
  • Fixed the following bugs with projects:
    • The Backlog column didn’t display the “See more” button.
    • Editing a bucket name would not apply in real time.
  • After switching to another organization, the workspace filter in Saved would continue to show the workspaces from the previously visited organization.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Updates to the teams would not apply in the plug-in in real time.
  • In Search > Browse members, some members found in the search results displayed the wrong job title.
  • Changing the language setting and then switching to another organization caused the app to crash.

v3.1.1 11/01/2023

Bug fixes:

  • While editing long texts containing mentions, it was impossible to scroll up to the top of the text.
  • Uploading a file or using a mention in a message or a comment would lead to occasional app crashes.

v3.1.0 10/30/2023


  • Tapping on the @mention icon now lists only the members who belong to the channel or project instead of showing all workspace members.
  • Enhanced the notification red dot size for better visibility and recognition.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the following bugs with channels:
    • When trying to convert an auto-join channel to private, the error pop-up didn’t appear.
    • When you mentioned a member not participating in the channel, the invitation message wouldn’t appear.
    • Adding an announcement didn’t apply right away.
  • Fixed the following bugs with tasks:
    • Duplicating a task didn’t copy the custom field items.
    • When duplicating a subtask, the “Done" button was active even when no task was selected.
  • While the emoji picker was open, if another user reacted to the message, the emoji picker would close.
  • Converting a chat message to a task wouldn’t generate a task component within the chat right away.
  • Fixed language inconsistencies encountered when the app and device language settings differed.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] It was impossible to attach a request to a personal task.

v3.0.6 10/19/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor bugs.

v3.0.5 10/16/2023


  • Resizable text editor: You can now resize the text editor according to your needs.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the following bugs with tasks:
    • Tapping on a task link shared in a channel or chat opened the task in the web browser, not within the app.
    • In “My tasks,” newly added tags to a task would not be included in the tag filter.
    • When you filtered the tasks by assignee, the assignee names were not displayed.
    • While in the project list view, updating the tags for a task and going back to the list would make the task disappear.
    • After converting a message to a task, the system erroneously allowed you to mention channels (@Channel and @NowChannel) in a task.
    • The name of the user who changed the checklist due date would not be displayed properly in the notification message.
  • Fixed the following bugs with channels:
    • Entering an unread channel would take you to the most recent message, not where you left off.
    • Teams or groups invited to a channel weren't updated in real time in the member list.
    • After uploading an image to an idea, tapping on the image would either lead to infinite loading or display a message that the file was deleted.
  • While the network connection was unstable:
    • When you entered a channel, the “Send” button would disappear after reconnection.
    • Tapping on a push notification to enter a channel would show messages from a previously entered channel.
  • Even after checking all notifications, the app icon badge still remained.
  • Resolved occasional app crashes on iOS 17 while inviting members to a channel or project or creating a chat.

v3.0.4 09/25/2023

Bug fixes

  • Upon entering a workspace, the loading of the channel list was occasionally stuck indefinitely.
  • Even after checking all notifications, the red dot still remained next to the workspace name.
  • Deleted workspaces did not disappear from the list immediately.
  • It was impossible to share content from external apps to Swit properly.
  • When viewing previous messages, posting a new message would not scroll to the new message.
  • If a message was deleted, tapping on a push notification for the message resulted in infinite loading.
  • Fixed the following bugs with idea comments:
    • After attaching a file to a comment, if you go back and return, the file preview would not be displayed.
    • Editing a comment with emoji reactions would make the reactions disappear.
  • Using SSO would directly sign you in without selecting the account to sign in with.
  • In “Saved”, the workspace filter didn’t work properly.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When setting the approvers or recipients, the “Navigate teams” list didn’t show newly added teams to the organization.

v3.0.3 09/11/2023


  • Performance issues with the project function have been resolved.
  • Across all text editors in Swit, pressing the Enter key on a Bluetooth keyboard now uploads the post being composed.

Bug fixes:

  • Navigating through push notifications would occasionally cause errors.
  • In the chat list, some user names would be displayed as “Unknown.”
  • If you tapped on a pinned message while the network connection was unstable, the data would remain unloaded even after reconnection.
  • The displayed member count for some chats would be off.
  • Due to errors with permissions, it was impossible to access some features.

v3.0.2 09/06/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Task comments were sometimes not visible.
  • Tapping on a push notification for a mention would redirect the user to the channel list instead of the target message.
  • In the “Earlier notifications” list, tapping on a notification for a task would cause an app crash.
  • When editing an idea with files attached, the button to view the file list would remain disabled.
  • For the notifications with details only accessible on desktop, tapping “Keep unread” would incorrectly mark them read.
  • If you signed in and immediately swiped the app to the background, the badges would disappear.
  • Upon launching the Swit app, it would occasionally fail to load the workspace data or get stuck in an infinite loading loop.

v3.0.1 09/03/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Comments could not be posted on an idea if they included a file attachment.
  • After signing up, tapping on “Open Swit app” would not automatically sign the user in with the new account.
  • New tasks created within a chat would not be displayed in real time.

v3.0.0 09/02/2023

What’s new:

  • Swit 2.0, a major update designed to improve user experience, is now available with the following features:
    • Streamlined sign-up: The sign-up procedures, which previously varied by plan, are now integrated into a single process.
    • Integrated Swit Home: You can access any spaces on a single screen without switching between workspaces for improved multitasking capabilities.
    • Multi-organization support: It is now easier to switch between organizations and accounts without having to sign in and out repeatedly.
    • Boost your productivity with an enhanced interface for channels, chat, projects, notifications, and billing.

v2.44.4 08/04/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the following bugs with Store app components shared to channels:
    • When entering such channels, an error message would pop up.
    • When the user tapped on a footer button of a shared component to open up a modal, closed it, and scrolled, the modal would show up again.
  • When signed in as a guest, the links contained in messages wouldn’t work.

v2.44.3 07/31/2023

Bug fixes:

  • [Free/Standard plan] Fixed the following bugs with mentioning groups:
    • The @mention list box would not display the groups in the workspace.
    • The groups mentioned would be displayed as their ID values.

v2.44.2 07/26/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor file upload issues.

v2.44.1 07/13/2023

Bug fixes:

  • When tapping on a push notification from the lock screen, the app would crash.

v2.44.0 07/03/2023


  • Added a new attachment type for compatibility with the IMAP store app so that IMAP emails shared to tasks are visible in the Attachments section of the task details page.

v2.43.5 06/26/2023

Bug fixes:

  • The app would crash in the following cases:
    • Tapping on a push notification to launch the app
    • Bringing the app back to the foreground
    • Searching users, teams, or groups

v2.43.4 06/12/2023

Bug fixes:

  • The start and due dates of tasks wouldn't be displayed properly.

v2.43.3 06/12/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Messages shared to direct message channels would not show their content.
  • [Free/Standard plan] Changes made to the profile image would not be applied on the profile details page.

v2.43.1 05/26/2023

Bug fixes:

  • The member profile information would be displayed as another member’s information.
  • The app would crash when swiping up for home and returning to the app, or when tapping on a push notification.

v2.43.0 05/21/2023

What’s new:

  • The channel and project settings now support Incoming webhooks.

Bug fixes:

  • Newly added templates would not show the title in the template details page.
  • Changes made to user profiles would not be synced properly.

v2.42.1 05/15/2023

Bug fixes:

  • When the user’s access token expired, it would fail to refresh, signing out the user forcibly.

v2.42.0 05/15/2023

What’s new:

  • You can now use User commands in the comments of messages.

Bug fixes:

  • Changing the language setting would not affect some parts.
  • After a channel’s host archived or unarchived the channel, the in-channel notification would not be displayed.
  • When multiple members reacted to a message using emojis, the profile image of some members would not be displayed correctly.
  • When the user selected an image to upload and immediately tapped on the Send button, the image would not be uploaded in the message.
  • When entering a channel via an activity notification or a starred message, the number of members in a channel would not be displayed.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When the user searched for approvers to add while creating a request, some member’s names would appear blank.

v2.41.3 05/08/2023

Bug fixes:

  • The app would fail to identify the users who had signed up after opening the app.

v2.41.2 05/02/2023

Bug fixes:

  • When the user scrolled up in a direct message channel to see previous messages, incoming messages in the channel would not be displayed.

v2.41.1 05/02/2023

Bug fixes:

  • After sharing a message or task to a direct message channel, trying to move to the channel or project from the dialog would result in an error.
  • In “My tasks”, duplicating a task would fail to include status in the duplicated task.
  • Even when tapping on “Leave channel,” users would not be able to leave the channel.
  • A task template with a recurrence setting would not display the setting in the details page.
  • Fixed the following bugs in the Related tab on the task details page:
    • In the Related tasks, the “View all” button would not be responsive.
    • When tapping on Attachments > View all > Emails, the attached emails would not be shown.
    • Deleting a related task would not apply in real time.
  • The app would close in the following cases:
    • Moving to Settings > About.
    • Changing the account password.
  • [Free/Standard plan] After closing the app in the background, reopening it would fail to show the list of workspaces the user was participating in.
  • [Advanced plan and above] When inviting a new member to a group direct message channel, already participating members would be visible in the search result.
  • [Advanced plan and above] After signing up for an organization, tapping on “Go to Swit Home” would result in infinite loading.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] It was impossible to post a comment with a file attachment if no text content was added.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] It would be impossible to enter a channel where an object had been shared.

v2.40.5 03/13/2023


  • Moving to the target destination via a push notification will now mark it as read.
  • You can now add parameters to slash commands to provide additional information or context for the bot or app.

Bug fixes:

  • Mentioning a particular team in a specific workspace in a message would close the app.
  • The number of members in a channel would not be displayed normally:
    • When moving to a channel via a push notification.
    • Tapping on a starred message to move to the channel.
  • Upon entering a channel, an idea would sometimes appear in the chat screen.
  • [Free/Standard plan] After creating a project and a task with an assignee, converting to the Team view and the List view would show the name of the assignee as “Unknown.”
  • [Free/Standard plan] In the file information, the file size would sometimes be displayed as empty (-).

v2.40.4 02/27/2023


  • Replaced emojis following the updated Swit logo.

v2.40.3 02/21/2023


  • You can now save contact information directly from the app’s profile page. This will include the profile image, name, email address, organization, and team name.

Bug fixes:

  • When the network connection was unstable, an idea or a comment on a message would be displayed on the chat screen upon entering a channel.
  • Even after leaving a project, it would still be displayed in the project list.
  • [Advanced plan and above] When sharing an idea via direct message, the workspace and the channel the idea is in would not be displayed in the shared component.

v2.40.2 01/30/2023

Bug fixes:

  • When entering a member profile from the search results page, the user status would occasionally not be displayed.
  • When leaving a comment on a message, the new comment wouldn't be added in real time on the screen.
  • Tapping on a shared task multiple times would open multiple task details pages.
  • After changing the task period, the “Save” button would not be enabled.
  • When entering a channel, older messages would be displayed first instead of recent messages.
  • Tapping on a notification would sometimes mark it as read without taking the user to the target location.
  • The following bugs while in a channel were fixed:
    • If the user swiped the app to the background while having Photos open to attach a photo or video to a channel, tapping on a push notification would not work properly.
    • While a video shared to a channel was playing, tapping on a push notification would not work properly.
  • [Advanced plan and above] The following bugs related to the direct message channels were fixed:
    • In group conversations, it would be impossible to view the profiles of members who left the channel.
    • It would sometimes be impossible to delete an image attached to a message.
    • In the “Files in direct messages” section, sharing a file to a direct message channel and tapping on “Go” would fail to take the user to the right destination.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Deleting a file attached to a request would result in an error message.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Even when no proxy approver was assigned, the proxy approver item still appeared with a name of “Unknown.”

v2.40.1 01/16/2023


  • When previewing images and videos in a channel, direct message channel, or project, you can now swipe through all of the files instead of only those in an individual message or task.

Bug fixes:

  • The following activities would occasionally make the app close:
    • Entering a channel
    • Searching projects when attaching a message to a task
  • “Installed apps” wouldn’t show any links attached.
  • Webhook messages posted to channels would not properly display their profile image and name.
  • Even after deleting a Gmail item attached to a task, the email component would still be displayed in the task details page.
  • When the host of a channel or project tapped on the “See more” icon next to a member, the app wouldn’t be responding.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When the network connection was unstable, tapping on an icon to create a new request would lead to a message for a paid plug-in.
  • In a channel, direct message channel, or project with many members, it would be impossible to scroll down the member list.
  • [Free/Standard plan] The profile image of a message written by a deleted member would make it appear like their membership was still active.
  • [Advanced plan and above] The workspace filter would exclude the workspaces the viewing user joined.
  • [Advanced plan and above] In some contexts, some members occasionally would show the wrong presence status.

v2.40.0 01/09/2023

What’s new:

  • Swit Developers & Store have been updated with the following new features:
    • You can now add your own app to the Swit Store.
    • The apps you add are now installable to your organization and workspace, providing custom interfaces.
    • [Advanced plan and above] Signing in to a Swit Store app anywhere within your organization will keep you signed in across all workspaces.
  • The current Swit Store app of Salesforce has been replaced by a completely new app.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] In the request details page, you can now engage in the following activities with the “see more” icon.
    • Copy URL
    • Share to channel
    • Attach to task
    • See activity log
    • Add recipient teams
    • Add CC recipients


  • For enhanced security, you now have to change your password every 180 days and the complexity requirements have been updated.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed some minor bugs.

v2.21.4 01/06/2023

Bug fixes:

  • File uploads would occasionally fail.