SwitGo to swit.io
Release Notes & Roadmap
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v2.4.0 01/06/2019

New Features:

  • Project box
    • Added “My Tasks” feature to manage tasks related to me and create and manage personal tasks
  • Coupon System Updates


  • Channel box
    • Added option to choose whether or not to expose old messages to new members before entering the channel. (can choose from Create channel or Manage channel)
    • Updates to check file details when clicking message attachments
  • Project box
    • Improved loading speed and performance of the project detail page (additional improvements are underway!)
    • Added the feature to export Timeline and Workload to .xlsx file in Timeline View
  • Improved reload functionality (cmd or ctrl + r)
  • Minor UI / UX improvements and performance improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that private setting button is not visible when creating a channel

  • Improved content deletion feature in Mail box editor

  • Fixed a bug that the content style of certain mail is broken

  • Fixed other minor bugs

v2.3.5 12/16/2019


  • Add group invitation feature for channels and projects

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that the text of the Activity list does not appear

  • Fixed a bug that the file is not uploaded when the user uploads the file and then uploads the same file again while creating Ideas

  • Fixed a bug files that were uploaded once aren’t uploaded again while creating Ideas

  • Improving Windows layout problems

  • Updates Task cards to share in All filter status in Tasks of Right Panel

  • Fixed Right Panel-Card design bug

  • Fixed other minor bugs

v2.3.3 12/11/2019


  • Add All Bucket view of Tasks menu in Right Panel
  • Improve performance

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that swit.io link doesn’t work in some parts of the product
  • Fixed a bug that the My Task list in the Right Panel is not displayed intermittently
  • Fixed a bug that My Task search feature doesn’t work in Right Panel
  • Fixed a bug that linking becomes unstable in other workspaces after linking Mbox once in one workspace
  • Improved output of special characters in MBOX mail subjects
  • Other UI bugs fixed

v2.3.2 12/09/2019

New Features:

  • “MBOX” function added (Advanced Tier)
    • Link email from your G Suite account with Swit
    • Share your email to chat
    • Convert email to Task Card
    • Send the e-mail with Task Card information
  • Added Tasks Feature on the Right Panel
    • View My Tasks by Project
    • Share your task to chat
    • Attach task to email
    • Task Detail View


  • Enhanced Password Policy
  • Improved performance of comment shortcut, loading and writing
  • Improved Right Panel not closing when moving between Channel Box and Project Box
  • Improved Right Panel sorting the list of channels and projects

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the bug with App icons that shrink when downloading files
  • Fixed the bug that chat hangs when channel is switched quickly
  • Fixed the bug that Project detail content modification is not reflected
  • Fixed the bug the notification about the change of Project is not loaded
  • Side panel UI update
  • Real time processing and app stabilization