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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v12.1.3 2024/07/22


  • Sign-in process now occurs within Swit app for enhanced security. You'll need to sign in again due to this update.

Bug fixes

  • [Plug-in: Goals] Resolved an issue that hindered additional inputs for KPI check-in when value ranges and existing entries were present.
  • Fixed other bugs for smoother Swit experience.

v12.1.1 2024/06/27

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some bugs for smoother Swit experience.

v12.1.0 2024/06/24


  • You can now view and add comments in Chat in the right panel.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some bugs for smoother Swit experience.

v12.0.28 05/13/2024


  • Elevate your teamwork with the following improvements to Snap:
    • The Rephrase feature now includes "Improve Writing" and "Fix Errors" modes to simplify corrections and enhancements, without the need for adjusting style settings.
    • In case of an AI response error, you now have the option to switch the LLM, whereas previously, you could only regenerate the response.
    • The “Unread summary” floating message now appears only when there are three or more unread messages.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] You can now choose to receive email notifications for the requests you're approving or have submitted.
  • You now have the freedom to manage your account password on your own schedule, without mandatory resets.

Bug fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where the recurrence period in task templates was not functioning as set.
  • It was impossible to remove an inactive member from a channel.

v12.0.27 04/22/2024

What’s new:

  • You can now give feedback on Snap’s AI-generated responses. Simply click the thumbs up or thumbs down icon to like or dislike, and let us know why you feel that way. Your input helps us improve.
  • Snap now supports new Large Language Models—Gemini and Claude. More updates to our language models are on the way.


  • Only the last six months of notification history will now be retained in the notification panel to avoid unnecessary data clutter.
  • We've refined the details in the channel and project lists for better clarity.
  • In Workspace Analytics, the custom date filter is now extended to all areas, simplifying the analysis and monitoring of data trends for Channels, Projects, and Workspace members.

Bug fixes:

  • Badge notifications now appear correctly in the channel list.
  • Some file preview thumbnails weren’t showing in chats.
  • When authorizing a third-party app, it was impossible to authenticate through single sign-on (SSO).

v12.0.26 04/08/2024

[Web Release] Enhancements:

  • We’ve simplified the refund process so that you can downgrade to the Free plan without having to enter payment information if you’re:
    • In your free trial period.
    • On a paid plan with no overdue payments.

v12.0.25 04/01/2024

What’s new:

  • Snap is now available in chats. Expand your use of Snap across all Swit collaboration spaces to elevate your workflow.


  • [Plug-in: Approvals] We’ve rolled out some new features and updates to streamline your approval process! Here’s what you can do now:
    • Resubmit a rejected request after reviewing the reason for rejection.
    • Attach an approved request to add context to your current request.
    • Feel free to navigate away while drafting a request; your draft will be automatically saved.
    • Approvers have an option to provide reasons for approval or rejection.
    • Authorized guests can now use the Approvals plug-in.
    • Approvals managers can export requests in various formats, restore or permanently delete requests from the trash, and add recipients to multiple approved requests.
  • Improved Snap’s overall performance.


  • Hungarian, Hindi, and Tagalog have been removed from our app's language settings, but remain supported within Snap.

Bug fixes:

  • After moving to a pinned message in a chat, scrolling down and back up failed to load earlier messages.
  • Line charts in dashboards didn’t display the X-axis data correctly.

v12.0.24 03/25/2024

Bug fixes:

  • The file attachment modal failed to load OneDrive files.

v12.0.23 03/25/2024


  • Substantially upgraded the integrated search feature for better performance and user experience by:
    • Streamlining the search resetting for enhanced clarity.
    • Upgrading the search filter interface for more convenient access.
    • Increasing the search result accuracy.
  • Improved Snap’s Summarize feature functionality by introducing error handling enhancements.
  • Improved Snap’s usability and performance.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed some bugs that occurred when filtering tasks in “All tasks.”
  • While viewing comments in a channel, messages would fail to load during network instability.
  • Clicking the profile image of the member who posted an idea now opens their profile modal properly.
  • While a chat was open in the main area, clicking on a notification from another chat would open the chat in the right panel instead of the main area.
  • It was impossible to move a subtask into another task in the same project.
  • When attempting to join a workspace via an invitation after being removed, it resulted in infinite loading instead of displaying an error modal.
  • Adjusted for daylight saving time to fix related time issues.
  • It was impossible to view files in the OneDrive & SharePoint app.
  • Fixed the following bugs when using Store apps in a project:
    • GitHub actions could not be added.
    • GitLab actions did not work as expected.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Fixed the following bugs with request drafts:
    • Using the undo function cleared all the text content.
    • Editing a draft with two or more tables would occasionally result in an error.

v12.0.20 03/11/2024


  • Swit Snap now supports a new Large Language Model—Upstage Solar. Stay tuned for further expansions to our language model offerings in the future.
  • We’ve made adjustments to the UI for sharing Store app resources to channels or tasks, enhancing overall consistency.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Improved the red dot notification system for more relevant alerts.

Bug fixes:

  • Channel or chat comments in the right panel to stayed open instead of closing as expected in the following situations:
    • Upon leaving or deletion of the channel.
    • After clicking on a notification from another chat.

v12.0.19 02/29/2024

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor bugs with Snap (Swit AI).

v12.0.18 02/28/2024

What’s new:

  • Introducing Swit AI: Snap—your new AI-powered assistant designed to streamline your workflow and boost productivity. Here’s what it offers:
    • Chat: Interact with Snap for better coordination and seamless follow-up actions.
    • Taskify: Effortlessly create tasks from chatbot interactions and channel messages, and draft checklists from AI-generated suggestions.
    • Summarize: Get quick summaries of messages, comments, and tasks to save time.
    • Write: Receive AI-guided support for crafting messages with the appropriate format, length, and tone.
    • Rephrase: Revise and enhance your content for more effective delivery.
    • Translate: Bridge the language gap between your colleagues and clients using instant AI-powered translation.


  • We've made improvements to the channel and project list interface for a smoother experience.
  • New motion effects have been added to the notification. When a notification is generated, the icon animates to quickly draw your attention.

v12.0.17 02/19/2024


  • We've made minor adjustments to the app's interface for a smoother experience.

Bug fixes:

  • Duplicating a task didn’t include the task period.
  • The user status wouldn’t apply in real time on the Members & teams page.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Clicking an internal deep link in a request would open a new window instead of navigating to the target destination within the app.

v12.0.16 02/06/2024

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor bugs.

v12.0.15 02/05/2024


  • The Swit Store app interface has been expanded. You can now execute app actions within tasks and attachments in addition to channels, and attach various component formats to both new and existing tasks.
  • Simplified Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Spanish have moved out of beta and are now officially released.

Bug fixes:

  • Renaming a filter for All tasks would not apply in real time.
  • When using the GitLab app in a project, it was impossible to add some actions.
  • Even after a workspace master or admin completed the data export, the “Export” button would remain activated.
  • After enlarging a task, setting the task period and clicking “Undo” on the toast notification did not reset the period.

v12.0.14 01/29/2024

[Web Release] Enhancements:

  • Improved the Slack import feature:
    • Reduced the time taken to import large volumes of data.
    • You no longer need to manually match user and channel data. Users without a Swit account will have one created automatically.

v12.0.13 01/22/2024

Bug fixes:

  • The Gmail app would fail to render emails with images embedded.
  • When using Store apps in the right panel, closing a modal would result in a white screen.
  • In My tasks, the “Personal” project filter wouldn’t function as expected.
  • When sharing a message to a channel in another workspace, you were able to mention a member who’s not in that workspace.
  • When switching organizations, the network disconnection status bar would sometimes appear.
  • [Windows app] If the notification style was set to Swit’s custom settings, incoming push notifications would be obscured behind maximized windows instead of at the foreground.

v12.0.12 01/15/2024


  • The Select UI element for Swit Store apps has been updated to include a search feature. This update is particularly useful for dropdown menus with extensive lists, enabling users to quickly find and select options instead of scrolling through the entire list.

v12.0.11 01/08/2024


  • Hosts of the General channel can now transfer their host role to another member. However, as all workspace members are part of this channel by default, hosts cannot remove members.

Bug fixes:

  • Clicking “View details” for a Google Drive or OneDrive file attached in a channel would open the file instead of showing the file details.
  • In a project dashboard view, the “Field settings” option was viewable to non-hosts when it wasn’t allowed.
  • In Files, selecting a member filter again after closing it would result in infinite loading.
  • In the member invitation modal to a workspace, the Guest badge would not display next to guest names in the member list.
  • After removing a member from a group, the removed member’s profile appeared at the top left of the screen.
  • While viewing a task larger, moving to the chat with a task commenter via their profile would not close the task modal but open the chat behind it.
  • In My tasks, for some accounts, the tasks they’re collaborating on would display the user profile image twice.
  • Adding items repeatedly to a task's custom checklist would cause the created items to disappear and reappear.
  • The “Remove member” option was not viewable to project hosts.
  • When a list of relevant tasks was opened from a dashboard chart, the tasks would show as if they had no collaborators.
  • In a project with templates, filters would not function properly.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] After saving an organization OKR, viewing it in Saved would display the organization name as “unknown.”