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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v3.0.11 12/29/2020


  • Some UX text improvements.
  • UX improvements for dragging & dropping an image from the web.
  • Images in draft posts are now effectively discarded if they aren’t submitted.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed some issues with the text editor, including about text links, new lines, and formatting.
  • Fixed an issue when an Edu email was set back to primary, Education workspace creation wouldn’t be enabled back.
  • Fixed “unread” mark issues with changes in the task.
  • Fixed data refresh issues in the ideation page.
  • Fixed an issue where a post wasn’t searched by edits to it after it had been edited.
  • Fixed a UX issue with the dropdown search field in the project.
  • Fixed an issue where emoji search loads different results in the list depending on whether or not the search keyword starts with a colon (:).
  • Fixed an issue where the message sharing modal window didn’t show workspace information.
  • Fixed issues with incorrect comment count.

v3.0.10 12/21/2020

What’s new:

  • Now images on the Web can be shared to Swit by a drag & drop.


  • Improved the display in the search page, including the scrolling and loading motions.
  • If a new comment occurs while the comment panel is open, the panel now scrolls down automatically to show the newest comment.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed various stability issues with the text editor.
  • Fixed an issue where a new workspace wouldn’t display store apps installed.
  • Fixed an issue where some workspaces’ analytics page would not show data correctly.
  • Fixed an issue when entering a channel whose last message was a shared one, the channel would be slightly scrolled up when opened.
  • Fixed an issue where the search field in a dropdown would not work normally under certain conditions.
  • Fixed unread badge and some other stability issues.

v3.0.8 12/15/2020

Bug fixes:

  • The draft message in a channel would be discarded when reloading the channel or switching to another page.
  • Some push notifications from the web browser failed to direct the user to the relevant page.
  • When scrolling down over search results, the scrolling motion wasn’t displayed smoothly.
  • In some cases, the Unread badge next to a channel would remain even though all posts were read in the channel.
  • The message editor would not work normally when the text typed in it included a specific type of link.
  • If messages were posted quickly across multiple channels, the app used to fail to load the page normally.
  • When trying to start direct messaging with someone, the user would receive an invitation prompt.
  • In the user profile, the activity status dot would sometimes appear in the far right corner.
  • [Advanced Plan] The modal window for inviting to a workplace would sometimes fail to list out all members that match the keyword typed in.

v3.0.4 12/10/2020


  • When typing in “_”, unintended italicization will now be effectively prevented.
  • The email-sharing modal window will now provide a text editor for the Description field.
  • [Advanced Plan] The “Organization members” page will now more quickly fetch the list even in “100 rows per page” mode.

Bug fixes:

  • A code block would be allowed to include an inline code.

  • Repeated copy-paste operations in the message input field would put the text cursor at the wrong position.

  • Email sent from Mail Box would omit the body content.

  • In the email-sharing modal window, emoji input in the Description field would lead to automatically selecting Confirm.

  • While an item selected from “All mentions” is being loaded, selecting a channel in the left panel would pop up an error message.

  • When writing in the message input field, “Return” key input with the text cursor placed at the end of a mention followed by text would result in an unintended line-break added thereto.

  • Resizing the app window to a narrow width would cause the left panel to obscure the main section.

  • URLs copied from certain text editors would not be properly pasted into Swit (e.g. “//” omitted where “http://” is supposed to be entered).

  • Under certain conditions, the File panel would display the image preview in the wrong aspect ratio.

  • [Advanced Plan] The organization member list exported in CSV from the Administration page will now have the Teams column, which replaces the previous Department column.

v3.0.3 12/08/2020


  • When sharing a message from a private channel, the message disclosure alert will be presented in a more user-friendly manner.
  • When posting a message or comment, the "Return" and "Shift + Return" commands will now work consistently, whether with or without the formatting toolbar, to avoid confusion:
    • Return: Upload the post
    • Shift + Return: Add a newline
  • Various UX and performance improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Miscellaneous bugs fixed.

v3.0.2 12/04/2020


  • Various UX and performance improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Miscellaneous bugs fixed.

v3.0.1 12/02/2020


  • Various UX and performance improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where some types of files couldn’t be uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the app didn’t run on Mac OS 10.13.
  • Miscellaneous bugs fixed.

v3.0.0 11/29/2020

This new version includes massive Updates for enhanced user experiences and facilitated collaboration.

What’s new:

  • Rich text formatting is supported for all types of posts and comments (such as bold, italic, lists, and inline code blocks).
  • Chat messages can be shared to other channels.
  • Messages and ideas can be converted to, or associated with, tasks.
  • The file attachment capabilities have been significantly enhanced (multi-file uploading, facilitated description etc.).
  • As with posts, comments can now have files and images attached and be reacted with emojis.
  • Emojis can be typed in without mouse clicks. For example, when “:smi” is typed in, all matching emojis show up as suggestions.


  • @mentioning is now more facilitated.
  • Some UX improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Miscellaneous bugs fixed.

v2.9.15 10/27/2020

What’s new:

  • [For Advanced tier] Organizations now can manage teams centrally and hierarchically.
  • Sign-in with Apple


  • UI/UX and performance improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an intermittent issue where tasks would be incorrectly sorted when the user rearranges them.

  • Fixed an issue where some pages display an incorrect workspace domain.

  • Fixed other minor bugs.

v2.9.14 10/08/2020


  • Security Updates
  • Asana & Trello data migration features
  • UI/UX and performance improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Several minor bugs fixed

v2.9.11 10/08/2020


  • Security Updates
  • UI/UX and performance improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Other minor bug fixes

v2.9.10 09/14/2020


  • Increased the scope of Zapier integration
  • Updates the drag area at the top of the Mac app
  • UI/UX and performance improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Other minor bug fixes

v2.9.9 09/01/2020


  • UI/UX and performance improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the bug related to Quick search special character search

  • Improved hotkey operation during Project detail page modification

  • Other minor bug fixes

v2.9.8 08/19/2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that the details of mails in MBOX is not displayed

  • Other minor bug fixes

v2.9.7 08/19/2020


  • UI/UX and performance improvements
  • Keyboard shortcut Available with Cmd + / (macOS), Ctrl + / (Windows)
    • Move channels, projects, and workspaces
    • Left/right panel control
    • Activity and mention panel control
  • Quick find Feature Available with Cmd + K (macOS), Ctrl + K (Windows)
    • Quick search and move to workspaces, channels and project DMs

Bug fixes:

  • Other minor bug fixes

v2.9.6 08/04/2020


  • UI/UX and performance improvements
  • Added language selection feature at Login page
  • Improved date format
  • Shared Folder can be checked in Google Drive Integration
  • Updates to open a new window when the user presses shift + click, cmd + click, wheel + click, ctrl + click

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the count is not displayed in the status bar when activating after hiding the window in Windows

  • Other minor bug fixes

v2.9.5 07/22/2020


  • UI/UX and performance improvements
  • Mac, Windows spelling check function added
  • Menu localization
  • Windows 10 Chromium-based Edge support begins

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the week limit of the deadline setting when the user edits the schedule through drag and drop while the project calendar view is in Korean mode

  • Fixed a bug where symbols are shown as codes in Task Card

  • Fixed an issue where popups doesn't close after sharing an email to chat channels

  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.9.3 07/13/2020


  • UI/UX and performance improvements
  • Project Kanban view rendering performance improvement
  • Added icon notification when alarm counts are accumulated

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the active button on the left shelf and what is displayed on the screen are different

  • Fixed a bug that the Copy Task in Project is unavailable in some specifice situations

  • Fixed a bug where "No Status" filter does not work in My Task

  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.9.2 07/08/2020


  • Optimized UI / UX improvement and performance

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that cannot go directly to the message of Channel

  • Fixed an issue that cannot change the status of the checklist of Tasks

  • Fixed an issue that mention message is not displayed intermittently

  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.8.0 07/01/2020


  • Optimized UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Stabilized API calls handling process

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.9.1 07/07/2020


  • Optimized UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Added Korean language support
  • Improved date display format

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the settings are reset in the Workspace permission settings page

  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.7.10 06/03/2020


  • Optimized UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Improved Interactive Guide
  • Updates Zoom Integration feature to show webinar schedule in Swit Right Panel
  • Stabilized real-time service
  • Added user information disclosure/private setting feature

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the issue where the menu of Task cards is closed

  • Fixed the issue where the layer menu of the message is closed

  • Fixed the issue where content style is not reflected in MBOX email sending

  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.7.7 06/03/2020


  • Optimized UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Improved and Updates On-screen Interactive Guide

Bug fixes:

  • Project - Fixed the problem where checklist status bar data was displayed as 0

  • Project - Fixed an issue where the app froze while undoing deleting Task Cards.

v2.7.5 06/03/2020


  • Optimized UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Updates Interactive Guide for Channel and Project
  • Changed how mentions are made in Channel and Project.
  • Channel Box
    • Notify everyone in this channel.: <@everyone> > @Channel
    • Notify every online member in this channel.: <@here> > @NowChannel
  • Project Box
    • Notify everyone in this project.: <@everyone> -> @Project
    • Notify everyone in this task card.: @Task

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug and tweaked image position of the image viewer
  • Right Panel intermittently had troubles not closing properly and fixed this issue.
  • Fixed an issue where profile setting windows (profile, account, workspace information, etc.) repeatedly appeared when opening the settings through the system menu.
  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.7.2 05/25/2020


  • UI / UX improvement and performance optimization
  • Swit Store
    • Added interworking function with various apps such as Github, Gitlab, Zoom
  • Custom Emoji
    • Added the feature for users to register and use customized images on the emoji picker
  • Real-time Updates of Projects data in Right Panel

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the "maximum length warning" in the input window doesn't appear in certain situations

  • It is Updates to be able to see the whole purpose of Channel or Project all with mouse over when the they're too long.

  • Fixed an issue where content entered as a single line because line break is not applied to the content when sharing a task by email

  • Fixed an issue where the channel's video thumbnail ratio is incorrect.

  • Updates to remove the Windows intermittent script error

  • Fixed to Updates real-time at in Channel comment panel

  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.6.8 05/11/2020


  • Updates UI for Education Plan
  • Improved UI/UX and optimized performance

Bug fixes:

  • Projects
    • Fixed the bug that the Right Panel folds when creating a project
  • MBOX
    • Fixed an issue related to line break, space, and special character of contents when sending mail
  • Fixed minor bugs

v2.6.7 04/23/2020


  • Optimizing UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Modify the sensitivity of the drag and drop feature

Bug fixes:

  • Channel
    • Modify message about accessing a channel that is not participating
    • Removed my name from DM channel list in the pop-up modal that appears when sharing files
  • MBOX
    • Fixed minor bugs and integrating logic

v2.6.6 04/23/2020


  • Optimizing UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Added profile output feature for open API related app information
  • Improve performance MBOX by changing the logic

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause user selection to be duplicated in the invitation screen of Advanced Tier Workspace
  • Channel
    • Move the Ideas mention layer to the bottom of the input box
  • MBOX
    • Fixed an issue where integration failure message is displayed in certain situations

v2.6.5 04/23/2020


  • Optimizing UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Optimization of MBOX integration
  • Improve the speed of entering services that have recently accessed the app

Bug fixes:

  • Fix to correctly convert space characters, mentions, and emoji related data when pasting content
  • Project
    • Fixed an issue where the contents of the previous Task Card are maintained when moving to another Task Card during Task Detail content modification
  • Channel
    • Fix errors when deleting Google Drive attachments from Ideas

v2.6.4 03/30/2020


  • Optimizing UI / UX improvement and performance
  • Updates tutorial content

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that occurs, when uploading files exceeding the allowed capacity, by getting filtered first
  • Fixed to paste as text when the clipboard data contains image and text when copying from some specific tools (Chat, ideas, Project)
  • Improved UI to clearly show that the description of the file I uploaded can be modified in the AppBar
  • Improved to prevent the ID mention list from being displayed when dragging / blocking the ID mention and message at the same time in the chat field.
  • Fixed an issue where the space characters before and after each line disappear when pasted into the editor of (Chat, ideas, Project, Comment)
  • Channel
    • Modify the first message UI on the private channel
    • Add loading UI to message's comment list screen
  • Project
    • Fixed an issue where the Show Detail button in the Activity disappears when modifying Description in the Task Detail screen
  • Ideas
    • Fixed an issue where the Edit button did not work when accessing Ideation by clicking Activity, Mention, or Push Notification
    • Fixed an issue where files disappear from Workspace when deleting Google Drive files: Fix to disappear only from the attachment list
  • Right panel
    • Fix Google Drive data loading error

v2.6.3 03/16/2020


Apply Unread Badge Count to Windows Taskbar icon Improved UI / UX

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes the problem that dark mode / light mode is not normally switched when sleep mode is turned off (MAC app only)
  • Extend the free trial period for Free Tier (14 days to 90 days) in order to support customers temporarily during the COVID-19 period
  • Fixed to display a notification when Updates in the background
  • Fixed intermittent Cofig error bug in Windows App
  • Mbox
    • Fixed a bug that caused file upload problems when attaching files through Mbox because it conformed to Swit's file capacity limit policy
  • Project
    • Fixed a UI bug in the Project Box where the Right Panel's extended menu overlapped the Task Card's Three-Dot Menu.
  • Ideas
    • Fixed the problem that data is displayed as duplicate
  • Right panel
    • Fixed the problem where Google Drive linkage is disconnected periodically

v2.6.1 03/09/2020


  • Improved and stabilized overall performance
  • Improved UI

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the blank page appears when clicking the logo on the login screen.
  • Fixes an issue where Open Directory does not work in the download window (Windows app only)
  • Mbox
    • Fixes a problem where mail content is not sent properly when sending a reply
  • Ideas
    • Fixed an issue that could not load data intermittently
  • Right panel
    • Fixes a problem where Google Drive authentication message appears repeatedly (same error as authentication expiration)

v2.6.0 03/02/2020

New Feature:

  • Google Drive integration (Advanced Tier Only)
    • Added the feature browsing and sharing files by drag and drop from Google Drive in Swit
    • Added file sharing files feature using Google Drive Explorer in Projects, Channels and Ideas (Available soon in the Free / Standard Tier)


  • Right Panel
    • Fixed no change in list when going back in file detail view
  • Minor UI / UX Improvements
  • Overall performance improvement and stabilization

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a problem where a blank screen is displayed when clicking the logo on the login screen
  • Project
    • Fixed an issue where the Task creation box doesn’t open when pressing the “+” button while the list is folded.
    • Fixed an issue that auto scroll doesn’t work when dragging Bucket in List View
    • Fixes a problem where the status change layer of the image is not displayed in List View
    • Fixes a problem where the My Task filter is initialized
    • Fixes a problem where different bucket names appear in Task Detail
  • MBOX
    • Fixes a problem where the screen freezes when exiting the MBOX compose screen

v2.5.9 02/24/2020


  • Minor optimizations and performance improvements
  • Project
    • Added Task Cards List View:

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the problem where the app freezes on white screen (when the app installed directory name or username has special characters)
  • Fixed incorrect UI effect of content drag and drop
  • Channel
    • Fixed an issue where the number of members in Channel can be indicated as a negative number
  • Project
    • Fixed the problem where Unread panel does not open automatically when entering Project
    • Fixed to reflect the checklist of Task Cards faster
  • Right panel
    • Fixed the problem where other filters are initialized when changing a specific filter in the file list

    • Fixed the problem of moving to Starred Item when clicking Delete button

v2.5.7 02/06/2020


  • Added Slack Direct Message Import feature in Workspace Import

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a problem where layers can be hidden by Windows Taskbar
  • Fixes a problem where the list of Mboxe is initialized when users move the Right Panel
  • Fixes a problem where Unread list does not open immediately when entering Project
  • Fixes the problem where Right panel and comment are output at the same time

v2.5.6 02/03/2020


  • Added the feature to cancel drag and drop motion through the ESC button on Workspace list, Channel / Project list, Kanban / Timeline, etc.

Bug fixes:

  • Project
    • Improved details of activity history to be accumulated in the Activity menu in Task Card Detail
    • Fixed a bug that an assignee in Task Card is not automatically released from Assignee status when the assigned member of Task Card leaves Project
    • Fixed a bug that Gantt chart doesn’t appear when moving to another Project from Workload View in Timeline View
    • Fixed a bug that the baseline is not initialized to today's date when moving to another Project in Timeline View
    • Fixed a problem that can’t move to Direct Messages from Task Card Detail
  • Right Panel
    • Fixed a bug that when dragging Mbox Mail to My Tasks in Right Panel, the Task Card created by the action is not displayed.
  • Assets Viewer
    • Fixed a bug where some OS shortcuts did not work when viewing Image, PDF inside the app

v2.5.5 01/29/2020


  • Added option to choose whether or not old messages will be revealed when new members join the Channel
  • Improved Channel and Project loading performance

Bug fixes:

  • Project
    • Improved process when deleting Projects or exiting Projects
    • Fixed a problem that the status change of Task Cards is not reflected
    • Fixed an issue that prevented bookmarks from updating in the My Tasks
  • Channel
    • Improved process when deleting Channels or exiting Channels Fixed a problem that Right Panel closes when users navigate to Direct Message
  • Right Panel
    • Fixed some UI not showing properly in Safari Modified images so that deleted files are shown as replaced images
  • MBOX
    • Fixed to reflect whether mails were read in Gmail when refreshing the Mbox

v2.5.4 01/20/2020


  • Project
    • Updates to change the status of Task Card in the My Tasks menu

Bug fixes:

  • Project
    • Fixes a bug tat the order of checklist doesn't change sometimes in Task Card Detail
    • Fixed the bug that when changing the status of Task Card, the Task Card is automatically raised to the top in Kanban.
    • Fixes the bug that checklists in Task Card are duplicated in slow internet environment
    • Fixes that bug that the Delete Attachment button does not work in Task Card Detail
  • Channel
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented new channel members from being invited
  • Mbox
    • Fixes a problem that HTML tag appears in Task Card name

v2.5.2 01/15/2020


  • Improved the speed when a lot of comments are inputted
  • UI Updates for icons, buttons, and more
  • Speed ​​up app launch with Mbox optimization
  • Fixed an issue that users can’t move between functions in the web browser when upgrading the web version
  • Fixed a problem that certain G Suite accounts failed to link with MBOX

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that, when applying filters in Project, errors occur in Task Cards that are sorted and disappeared by filters
  • Improved app performance so that no problem occurs even when multiple users adjust Task Cards in Kanban view
  • Fixed a bug that caused the screen to blur when cancelling to drag and drop Task Cards

v2.5.0 01/13/2020

New Features:

  • Updates Coupon System


  • Improved notification system
  • Improved Dot Icon real-time processing system

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug that favorite DM channels aren’t shown in Right Panel
  • Fixed bug attachment are missing when turning Task Cards to mail
  • Mbox stabilization
  • Fixed other minor bugs