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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v12.0.10 12/26/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor bugs.

v12.0.9 12/11/2023


  • Direct navigation from Files: You can now directly access the shared locations of files.
  • Enhanced date and time display: Display now aligns with your language preferences, including those beyond Korean, English, and Japanese.
  • You can now right-click to easily copy URLs in text.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] You can now insert tables and images in your requests.
  • The organization master can now submit a request to delete their organization via the Admin console.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed date calculation errors in recurring task templates.
  • If you switched channels while composing an announcement, the announcement format would remain in the text editor.
  • Red dots and notifications did not appear in real time for channels with unread messages.
  • Fixed the following bugs with project filters:
    • In All tasks, deselected priority filters would sometimes remain active.
    • Resolved unexpected behavior in task filtering.
  • While having a chat open in the main area, it was impossible to navigate to a search result for comments from the right panel.
  • Fixed some minor issues related to configuring settings in User settings > Notifications > Manage exceptions.
  • In a project kanban view, clicking on the profile of an assignee would erroneously open the task details page in the right panel.
  • In the notifications panel, chat, and other UIs, the user names would sometimes be displayed as “unknown.”
  • If different chats were open in the main area and the right panel, a new message generated in the right panel’s chat would change the name of the chat in the main area.
  • Clicking the Actions & attachments button in the text editor of a comment failed to load the app actions.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When printing a request as a PDF, only a portion of it was printed.

v12.0.8 11/27/2023


  • Deep linking to chat: You can instantly open a chat with your colleagues from any external app with just a single click. Enjoy faster and smoother communication!

Bug fixes:

  • In the Admin console > Members & teams, selecting “Deactivate membership” and then clicking “Cancel” would still deactivate the membership.
  • While viewing the same workspace in two different browsers signed in with the same account, leaving the workspace from one browser would cause an error message in the other.
  • In the workspace list, the workspace you’re invited to in real time would not be displayed.
  • In the calendar view of a project, it was impossible to set an assignee when adding a new template.
  • It was impossible to move to a project dashboard via a link.
  • From a web browser, clicking on the profile image > Open in Swit app didn’t work properly.
  • After uploading a file in a chat message and entering its details page to delete the file, other features became unresponsive.

v12.0.7 11/13/2023


  • Enhanced update reminders: Now you’ll experience fewer interruptions from update alerts. Update at your convenience, on your schedule.
  • Improved features for Analytics: You can now view data for specific time frames and easily export them as an Excel file.
  • Increased message length: Now you can compose messages and comments with up to 12,000 characters! It's a big jump from the previous 4,000 limit, giving you more space to share your thoughts and collaborate effectively.

Bug fixes:

  • Even after deleting a workspace, you would remain in the deleted workspace.
  • Switching between tabs in the channel opened in the main area would close any open task details or chat in the right panel.
  • In an organization where file downloads were blocked, the PDF file preview would not be displayed either.
  • Fixed the following bugs with task descriptions:
    • After entering multiple lines of text, adjusting the screen size without saving would erroneously insert additional line breaks.
    • Trying to edit text containing emojis and code blocks would make the code block disappear.
  • In the Free plan, it was impossible to create a project bucket.
  • Tasks would not show their end times when opened the project calendar view.
  • Sharing a Google Calendar event in Ideas would incorrectly post it as a channel message.
  • When projects from different workspaces were open in the right panel and main area respectively, it appeared as though tasks could be copied between them.
  • The statuses of personal tasks were mistakenly visible in the project filter list.
  • In channels’ web page tabs, the refresh button didn’t work.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Updates to the teams would not apply in the plug-in in real time.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] Tasks connected to key results would be disconnected after check-ins.

v12.0.6 10/30/2023


  • While editing the description of a task, the content will now be maintained even in the following situations:
    • When a member leaves the workspace.
    • When the network connection is unstable.
    • When the access token has expired.
  • Enhanced the notification red dot size for better visibility and recognition.
  • Payment-related improvements:
    • With the Free plan, the payment cycle is no longer displayed.
    • When adding a billing contact, those already added will not be shown in the list.
    • During payment, required fields are now marked with red stars.

Bug fixes:

  • The options of a Zoom meeting attached to a task were not visible, making it impossible to delete the meeting.
  • It was impossible to add filters for files, workspaces, channels, and projects when searching in the Korean language.
  • Even when the time zone was “set automatically based on your location”, it wouldn’t properly apply.
  • An unsuccessful search attempt in Files would result in the failure of subsequent searches.
  • In the Admin console > Membership > Members & teams, entering a member details page,. clicking “Send password reset email,” and then clicking “Cancel” would still inadvertently send the email.
  • The previously executed app action on a channel message would automatically run again after switching to another organization and then returning.
  • In Workspace settings > Members, the number and list of members would fail to exclude removed members..
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Navigating from the Approvals request details page to a channel or project and then clicking on the Approvals icon would redirect you back to the previously viewed request page.

v12.0.4 10/16/2023


  • You can now view your billing history prior to April 16, 2023 in Admin console > Billing.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the following bugs with projects:
    • Even when “Backlog” was not selected in the project filter, the Backlog column would be displayed.
    • Rapidly relocating columns in the status or bucket view would cause the order of columns to mix up.
  • The name of the user who changed the checklist due date would not be displayed properly in the notification message.
  • Imported user data from Trello was not displayed properly.
  • The search keyboard shortcut wouldn’t function properly in areas other than channels and projects.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Added comments would occasionally not be displayed in real time.

v12.0.3 09/25/2023


  • Improvements made to the organizational teams:
    • You can now belong to both a higher-level team and sub-teams within the same team hierarchy.
    • In the Members tab, you can now open their profile modal and send them chat messages.
  • New features for the Automation plug-in:
    • You can now filter the Automation usage in monthly intervals from the start of plug-in use.
    • The date and time input field now supports an hourly time frame setting.

Bug fixes:

  • When editing a message containing links, emojis, and mentions all together, the mentions appeared as links.
  • Fixed the following issues with the Store apps:
    • [Gmail] Even after signing in successfully, an account connection error would occur
    • [Gmail] In the “View larger” modal, the scroll wouldn’t work.
    • [Gmail] When a chat is open on the main screen, the “Share to chat” feature wouldn’t work.
    • [Google Calendar] Moving to another organization would result in an infinite loading.
  • While in the chat screen, it would be impossible to move to a channel from the notifications panel.
  • When in a screen other than a channel or project open, it would be impossible to move to the target destination from the search results.
  • Fixed the following bugs with notifications:
    • In User settings > Notifications > Badges, marking the checkbox for channels and projects across all workspaces would not be properly reflected.
    • In User settings > Notifications > Push > Manage exceptions, it was impossible to add chats.
    • Tapping a push notification for a comment would not take you to the target location.
  • Changing the project view would affect other projects too.

v12.0.2 09/05/2023

Bug fixes:

  • After switching from Kanban to another project view mode, users who navigate to a channel or chat and then return would find the view mode reverted to Kanban.
  • After updating the app, some users experienced a failure in data loading, seeing a blank white screen.
  • In the Notifications panel, custom emojis would not be displayed properly or take too long to load.
  • When the chat list was filtered by a search keyword, newly created messages would not update the search results.
  • The workspace analytics page would show an error message when entered.
  • When opening Chat in the right panel, the entire chat list would be shown instead of the last opened chat.

v12.0.0 09/02/2023

What’s new:

  • Swit 2.0, a major update designed to improve user experience, is now available with the following features:
    • Streamlined sign-up: The sign-up procedures, which previously varied by plan, are now integrated into a single process.
    • Integrated Swit Home: You can access any spaces on a single screen without switching between workspaces for improved multitasking capabilities.
    • Multi-organization support: It is now easier to switch between organizations and accounts without having to sign in and out repeatedly.
    • Boost your productivity with an enhanced interface for channels, chat, projects, notifications, and billing.

v11.3.6 08/14/2023


  • You can now copy and paste text from Microsoft Word or Google Docs into Swit’s text editor without facing irregular formatting issues.

Bug fixes:

  • The Emails section in the task details page would not correctly count the number of IMAP (Swit Store app) attachments.
  • [Windows app only] Push notifications were not triggered for all events containing the backspace () character.

v11.3.5 08/01/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor issues.

v11.3.4 07/31/2023

Bug fixes:

  • [Advanced plan and above] It was impossible to use email addresses with a top-level domain exceeding 4 characters in the following cases:
    • When signing up via organization invitation links.
    • When adding to the allowed email domains in the Admin console.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] When checking-in for OKRs, the progress rate entered would sometimes not be updated correctly.

v11.3.2 07/17/2023

Bug fixes:

  • [Plug-in: Goals] Clicking on a check-in reminder activity notification would not direct the user to the “My OKRs” tab.

v11.3.0 06/12/2023

Bug fixes:

  • [Plug-in: Automation] Fixed the following bugs:
    • While creating a rule, changing the rule settings in the right panel would not apply in real-time in the main section.
    • It was impossible to filter the usage of Automation with the start and end dates set to the same value.

v11.2.0 06/04/2023

What’s new:

  • The Swit Automation plug-in is now available. The Automation plug-in helps automate repetitive work processes and focus on a diverse range of tasks within an optimized workflow.

v11.1.0 05/28/2023

Bug fixes:

  • [Free/Standard plan] Changing the workspace name would not apply in real-time.
  • [Advanced plan and above] In organizations where two-factor authentication (2FA) is disabled, it was possible to see the “Reset 2FA” option when trying to manage members.
  • Fixed the following bugs with Store app user commands.
    • The payload passed to the developer’s app server would not deliver the correct spec for the user command type being used.
    • A regular member wouldn’t be able to see the App actions option when clicking on the “More” button.

v11.0.0 05/21/2023

What’s new:

  • Swit Developers (https://developers.swit.io) has been updated with the following new features available on the Swit Store apps:
    • Event subscriptions: Store apps can get immediate notifications for events occurring on behalf of authorizing users.
    • Store apps can offer user commands for the comments in addition to the messages.
      • Commenting extension: Click on the “+” button in the comment editor for a message to access the command.
      • Context menu: Click on the “more” icon on a message or a message comment to access the command.
    • Store apps can now manage the right panel launcher and presence sync toggle settings.
    • Notifications related to the Store apps can now be viewed in All activities and in-channel system messages.
  • You can now create and manage webhooks directly from channels and projects. Previously this feature was accessible from the developer console.

v10.0.4 05/14/2023

What’s new:

  • The “Swit Automation” plug-in, designed to streamline repetitive workflows through no-code automation rules, is now available. Users can now create trigger-condition-action rules based on events from the Swit app and various 3rd party integrations without the need for coding.


  • Improved the speed and performance of the Swit app.

Bug fixes:

  • Entering a project from the right panel would occasionally result in infinite loading.

v10.0.2 05/02/2023

Bug fixes:

  • When only the workspace master and admins have the permission to create channels, members could not create projects either.
  • While having a project open in the status view, entering “My tasks” in the right panel would change the order of the status in the project.
  • [Windows app only] Canceling an ongoing file download would result in an error message.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] After sharing an object or a key result to a channel in the OKR details page, it would be impossible to navigate to the channel from the toast message.

v10.0.0 04/16/2023


  • Improved the speed and performance of the Swit app.

Bug fixes:

  • After putting an emoji in the text editor of a channel, moving to another channel and going back would make the previous emoji disappear and prevent typing in any further text.
  • Fixed the following bugs with viewing a project in the right panel:
    • When the same project was open in both the main area and the right panel, a momentary network disconnection would result in a failure to concurrently synchronize changes made on either side with the other side.
    • While having “My tasks” open in the right panel, creating a new task in the main area would make it appear as if two tasks were created.
  • Some projects with numerous tasks would fail to show their tasks.
  • [Advanced plan and above] When attempting single sign-on from the installed app, the user would be redirected to the wrong URL in the browser.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When a request was submitted for which the proxy approver was no longer a member of the organization, the page would remain stuck in an infinite loading loop.

v9.1.9 04/03/2023

What’s new:

  • Store app developers can now use the right panel feature for their apps by registering the relevant user command on the developer console at https://developers.swit.io.


  • Improved the speed and performance of the Swit app.

Bug fixes:

  • [Enterprise plan] Fixed the following issues with the audit logs search.
    • The search results would display repeated items or appear out of order.
    • Scrolling down the search results would cause an error.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] When an objective had one or more key results, entering the key result details page and going back would not display the object title properly.

v9.1.7 03/27/2023


  • [Advanced plan] On the member settings page, the organization’s master and admins can now edit the profile fields managed by members.
  • [Plug-in: Guests] Guests can now edit custom fields or view other guests’ custom fields so that they can be managed as part of an organization with job titles and levels assigned.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the following bugs with Swit Store apps operating in the right panel:
    • Converting a Google Calendar schedule to a new task and clicking on the toast message to move to the created task would result in an error message.
    • After converting a Gmail or an Outlook email to a task, it would be impossible to navigate to the created task because the “Move to task” button would not be displayed in the toast message.
  • [Advanced plan] Fixed the following bugs with the Admin console:
    • After entering a member’s settings page from Member & teams, editing a URL type custom field to a black space would not allow the user to save changes.
    • Even after transferring the master role to another member, the previous master could still access the Admin console.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] Clicking on a member’s profile image and clicking on “Goals” would take the user to the My OKRs tab instead.

v9.1.4 03/13/2023


  • Moving to the target destination via a push notification will now mark it as read.
  • You can now add parameters to slash commands to provide additional information or context for the bot or app.

Bug fixes:

  • When two or more Swit Store apps are enabled in a workspace, using the slash command (/) in the text editor will execute the user action associated with the app shown at the top instead of the app selected.
  • After setting filter options in “My tasks” or a project, moving to another project via a push notification will retain the filters set.
  • [Advanced plan] Connecting with a GitLab account in the task details page would result in an error.
  • [Advanced plan] If an organization allows both SSO and password sign-ins, it would be impossible to send invitations to the email addresses to which invitations were already sent.

v9.1.2 02/27/2023

What’s new:

  • [Advanced plan and above] For enhanced security in your organization, the Admin session menu was added to the Admin console.
    • Admin verification: When enabled, admins have to enter a code each time they access the Admin console.
    • Admin session duration: Session duration can be set so that admins will be required to re-authenticate for access to the Admin console after time passes.
  • [Advanced plan and above] Users who have not signed in to Swit for a year will have their membership deactivated except for the organization’s master.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] The alignment chart feature has been added to visualize the alignment between objects and key results at a glance:
    • In the newly added Alignment chart tab, the organization’s OKRs are displayed in a tree structure.
    • You can also view alignment charts in other tabs by clicking on the Alignments icon at the bottom of each item and clicking on “View in chart”.
    • The alignment chart is displayed in a tree structure that can be expanded when there are aligned items. The chart can be zoomed in and out, and when clicking on “Fit to screen”, the expanded chart is fitted to the screen.


  • [Enterprise plan] The audit logs will now collect new types of activity.

Bug fixes:

  • After starring a message or an idea, unstarring it from the right panel and clicking on another channel would make the app stop.
  • [Advanced plan] Even after activating or deactivating the membership of someone in the Admin console, their membership status would not change.
  • [Advanced plan] Fixed the following bugs with the account profile page:
    • Even when there was more than one job title, only one would be displayed.
    • Changes to the job title and job level would not be applied.

v9.1.0 02/21/2023

Bug fixes:

  • After typing in a search keyword, it was impossible to type in the fields for search filters such as “Workspace”, “Member”, and “Location”.
  • [Advanced plan and above] Disabled Store apps would remain in the Attachments selection menu in the task details page.
  • [Advanced plan and above] In the Members tab, profiles of inactive members would be displayed as if their membership were active.

v9.0.9 02/13/2023


  • You can now open files directly from the Downloads dialog.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] The following actions are now recorded in the activity log:
    • Adding or removing an Approvals manager
    • Adding or removing a template manager
    • Giving or revoking the permission to manage roles

Bug fixes:

  • In the filter options in “All tasks”, it would be impossible to search task statuses.
  • When sharing an Outlook email with many files attached, it would be shared multiple times.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] When creating a new objective or key result, the title would not display emojis if entered alongside text.
  • [Plug-in: Goals] It would be impossible to search some of the archived time periods.

v9.0.6 01/30/2023


  • When signing in using SAML SSO, you can now use the active IdP session in your web browser without having to re-enter your credentials.

Bug fixes:

  • The manage apps page would display all Store apps created in the organization instead of only installed apps.
  • When a task was created through a webhook, the task’s activity log would not display the name of the webhook.

v9.0.5 01/19/2023

Bug fixes:

  • In the Swit Store, the app management page would not provide the scrollbar depending on the screen size.
  • After changing the sort settings in “My tasks”, it would be impossible to drag and drop tasks.
  • In the Zoom section under “Installed apps” on the task details page, it would be impossible to schedule a Zoom meeting or link a Zoom meeting to the task.
  • Even if the permission for uninstalling Store apps was not granted to members, the Uninstall button in the Swit Store would still stay active.

v9.0.4 01/12/2023

Bug fixes:

  • [Free/Standard plan] In the User settings, clicking on “Send verification email” would not send an email.
  • In the task details page, deleting a subtask would result in an error message.
  • Even after reading all channels, the red dot would sometimes remain.
  • When duplicating a task in the Backlog, the bucket would not be set by default.
  • Task filters would sometimes not be displayed properly in “All tasks”.
  • Fixed the following bugs with the Swit Store:
    • It would be impossible to invite apps to channels and projects.
    • [Free plan] It was impossible to install apps.
  • [Plug-in: Guests] Guests were able to add teams.

v9.0.0 01/09/2023

What’s new:

  • Swit Developers & Store have been updated with the following new features:
    • You can now add your own app to the Swit Store.
    • The apps you add are now installable to your organization and workspace, providing custom interfaces.
    • [Advanced plan and above] Signing in to a Swit Store app anywhere within your organization will keep you signed in across all workspaces.
  • The current Swit Store app of Salesforce has been replaced by a completely new app.


  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When a request template is selected, selecting another template now discards the previous template content to avoid confusion.
  • For enhanced security, you now have to change your password every 180 days and the complexity requirements have been updated.

Bug fixes:

  • [Plug-in: Goals] Fixed the following bugs:
    • In the Team OKRs tab, selecting two different teams one after another would display a mixed list of members from both teams.
    • When some of the key results were invalid, it would be impossible to submit an OKR review.
    • While the modal for assigning a reviewer was open, selecting a push notification to move to the target destination would not close the modal.
  • [Advanced plan] When adding a member to a team, the check boxes next to the members added would not be checked.
  • When you choose the language setting to Korean, setting the names of project buckets as “To Do”, “Doing” and “Done” would automatically translate them to Korean.