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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v4.0.8 12/11/2023


  • Enhanced date and time display: Display now aligns with your language preferences, including those beyond Korean, English, and Japanese.

Bug fixes:

  • Tapping on a shared image or file would fail to load its preview.
  • Switching to an organization with a recently signed-in account would incorrectly trigger an expired session modal.
  • When sharing a message to another workspace, the mention list would display members from the original message’s workspace.
  • It was impossible to search for built-in emojis.
  • When browsing archived channels, the channels you were not in would appear under the Joined tab.
  • After composing a new idea, tapping on Done multiple times would create multiple ideas.

v4.0.7 11/27/2023


  • Deep linking to chat: You can instantly open a chat with your colleagues from any external app with just a single click. Enjoy faster and smoother communication!
  • The “Chat” button is now available on your own profile too.
  • We've moved the Notifications tab to the bottom for a more comfortable reach.

Bug fixes

  • It was impossible to delete workspaces.
  • Chats receiving new messages wouldn’t automatically move to the top of the chat list, nor update the time received.
  • In organizations that required a mobile PIN, there were occasional delays or failures in loading the PIN screen.
  • In organizations where changes to member profiles were restricted to provisioning, members were still able to change their profile info.
  • Fixed the following bugs with Approvals:
    • Assignment of a proxy approver didn’t trigger the due notification.
    • Upon searching for approvers using “Navigate teams,” adding them became impossible.

v4.0.6 11/13/2023


  • Enhanced update reminders: Now you’ll experience fewer interruptions from update alerts. Update at your convenience, on your schedule.
  • Increased message length: Now you can compose messages and comments with up to 12,000 characters! It's a big jump from the previous 4,000 limit, giving you more space to share your thoughts and collaborate effectively.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed file-related issues:
    • Downloading encrypted or password-protected files caused errors.
    • Incomplete files resulting from download errors were not automatically removed as expected
    • Selecting Delete from a file preview brought up a confirmation dialog without a Cancel button.
  • Quick emoji reactions after posting a new idea did not apply in real time.

v4.0.5 10/30/2023


  • Tapping on the @mention icon now lists only the relevant channel or project members.
  • File uploads and downloads no longer stop when the app is moved to the background or the screen auto-locks.
    • You can easily monitor the file upload and download status via notification.
    • You can interrupt and stop file uploads or downloads as needed.

Bug fixes:

  • Resolved text overlapping issue in the UI while typing.
  • After moving to a task from Saved, it was impossible to use mentions in the comment editor.
  • It was sometimes impossible to invite members and teams simultaneously to a project.
  • It was impossible to clear the project priority filter.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] It was impossible to attach a request to a personal task.

v4.0.4 10/16/2023


  • Enhanced the notification red dot size for better visibility and recognition.

Bug fixes:

  • It was impossible to create a new task from channels of newly created workspaces.
  • The name of the user who changed the checklist due date would not be displayed properly in the notification.
  • In Help > Contact support, inquiries couldn’t be sent even after filling in required fields.
  • [Business plan] Files attached to task comments could be shared to chats instead of channels, as intended.

v4.0.3 09/25/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the following bugs experienced on some devices:
    • Tasks could be created with more than 10 assignees.
    • Editing the project info altered the push notifications settings.
  • Fixed the following bugs with tasks:
    • Archived projects erroneously displayed that tasks could be created.
    • It was impossible to delete attached files and related tasks.
    • In “My tasks”, the collaborator filter was not functioning properly.
  • When duplicating a subtask, the duplicate’s status was set to “Backlog”.

v4.0.2 09/11/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Chats with incoming messages wouldn’t automatically move to the top of the chat list.
  • When sharing a message to a channel, the @mention list that opens from the text editor would display multiple instances of the same team.
  • While editing a message, deleting all the text would disable the Save button, even with files attached.
  • Fixed issues with file attachments to ideas:
    • When editing an idea, the button to view the file list would remain disabled.
    • Tapping on the “Show more” button to see the complete list of files would inadvertently close the list.

v4.0.1 09/03/2023

Bug fixes:

  • In Workspace members > Teams, the member count shown at the top didn’t align with the actual number of members listed.
  • Admin-managed custom profile fields didn't appear on the profile editing page.
  • In “My tasks”, it was impossible to change the bucket.
  • When a message or idea attached to a task contained a link, the link would not be displayed.

v4.0.0 09/02/2023

What’s new:

  • Swit 2.0, a major update designed to improve user experience, is now available with the following features:
    • Streamlined sign-up: The sign-up procedures, which previously varied by plan, are now integrated into a single process.
    • Integrated Swit Home: For improved multitasking capabilities.
    • Multi-organization support: It is now easier to switch between organizations and accounts without having to sign in and out repeatedly.
    • Boost your productivity with an enhanced interface.

v3.7.5 08/18/2023


  • Improved resolution for image previews.
  • [Advanced plan and above] You can now sort the organization members by job level.

Bug fixes:

  • On some devices with certain screen and font settings, the menu triggered by long-tapping on a message would not be fully visible on the screen.

v3.7.4 07/27/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Should the last visited workspace be deleted while the Swit app was off, reopening the app would lead to infinite loading.

v3.7.3 07/24/2023

Bug fixes:

  • While scrolling through the member list within a channel, the screen would shift upward.

v3.7.2 07/03/2023


  • Added a new attachment type for compatibility with the IMAP store app so that IMAP emails shared to tasks are visible in the Attachments section of the task details page.

v3.7.1 06/12/2023

Bug fixes:

  • The “View details” page for files in channels or projects wouldn’t display the “Shared in” item.
  • [Free/Standard plan] The user profile page opened from a channel wouldn’t display the “View files” menu.

v3.7.0 05/21/2023

What’s new:

  • Swit Store apps can now provide additional commands for the comment editor and on the context menus of messages and comments.
  • The channel and project settings now support Incoming webhooks.

Bug fixes:

  • Changing a subtask’s status would not be applied in real time.

v3.6.12 04/24/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed minor bugs.

v3.6.11 04/20/2023

Bug fixes:

  • After leaving a previously joined channel, searching for channels would still display the left channel in the results.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Fixed the following bugs:
    • When creating a new request, selecting multiple approvers, recipients, or CC recipients, and then attempting to remove them would cause abnormal behavior.
    • If a request's body text had too many lines, its detail view page would fail to display the entire text.

v3.6.7 03/23/2023

Bug fixes:

  • After existing formatted text, pasting additional text would make the rich text move to the end.
  • File previews would be unavailable for XLSX, PPTX, DOCX, or HWPX files attached to an idea or task.
  • Leaving a starred project would create a folder named “default” within the starred projects area.

v3.6.6 03/13/2023


  • Moving to the target destination via a push notification will now mark it as read.
  • You can now add parameters to slash commands to provide additional information for the bot or app.

Bug fixes:

  • When creating a template in a project, tapping on the “Add” button multiple times would create multiple templates.
  • After moving to the task details page via a push notification, it would be impossible to create a subtask or set assignees for the subtask.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Fixed some bugs.

v3.6.5 02/27/2023


  • Replaced emojis following the updated Swit logo.

Bug fixes:

  • User settings > Connected apps would fail to show connected apps.
  • When the user converted a message to a new task and moved to the created task immediately, the message, assignees and collaborators would not be displayed.
  • When editing a message, the Done button would not become active sometimes.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When selecting a template that includes a deleted member as an approver, it would be possible to submit the request.

v3.6.4 02/21/2023


  • You can now save contact information directly from the app’s profile page.

Bug fixes:

  • When in My workspaces, leaving a workspace would take the user to the previously visited workspace.
  • [Enterprise plan] Even when in the PIN entry screen, tapping on a push notification would take the user to the target location.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Even after the plug-in was disabled, it was possible to recall a submitted request or submit a request from a draft.

v3.6.3 01/30/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Tapping on a shared task multiple times would open multiple task details pages.
  • In the window to create a new idea, the “Post” button would be enabled even when no text was input.
  • While composing an idea, it would be impossible to move the caret.
  • [Free/Standard plan] In the browse members page, the workspace master wouldn’t be able to conduct the following actions:
    • Transfer the mastership, assign as an admin, or deactivate the membership.
    • Invite members to the workspace.

v3.6.2 01/17/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Even if it is set to display projects by default for a workspace, the Channels tab would be selected upon entering the workspace.
  • While composing an idea, it would be impossible to move the caret.
  • [Advanced plan and above] In the direct message file list, selecting a file item would show the preview of a wrong file.

v3.6.1 01/11/2023

Bug fixes:

  • Using an @mention at the beginning of an idea would make it impossible to enter more text.
  • Outlook emails attached to a task would be displayed with the Gmail icon.
  • In a private channel, the @mention list box would not present every workspace member.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] When the user entered the Inbox from another request box to see a new request submitted, the request would not be displayed in the “Pending” tab.

v3.5.0 01/09/2023

What’s new:

  • Updates on Swit Developers & Store:
    • You can add your own app to the Swit Store.
    • [Advanced plan and above] Signing in to a Swit Store app will keep you signed in across all workspaces.
  • The Salesforce Swit Store app was replaced by a new app.
  • [Plug-in: Approvals] Updates in the request details page.


  • You now have to change your password every 180 days with updated complexity requirements.

Bug fixes:

  • [Free/Standard plan] Searching by keyword would not work properly.