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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v2.4.0 12/21/2021


  • In the “All activity” and “All mentions” tabs, you can now switch between Unread and Read by swiping left or right.

Bug fixes:

  • Selecting a file attachment to a message would shut down the app.
  • [Advanced only] Renaming a group direct message channel wouldn’t change the name on the screen immediately.
  • [Advanced only] When the workspace master edited their profile information, their role would change to “admin.”

v2.3.0 11/30/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Some issues that caused app crashes.
  • Some issues that occurred when entering a workspace through a push notification.

v2.2.6 11/18/2021


  • Each activity & mention notification displayed in the list is now limited to 5 lines to help users view the whole notification list.
  • In a file’s preview, you can immediately share it to another channel.

Bug fixes:

  • When a member left a workspace, the member's profile info would become invisible.
  • When adding an attachment to a task, the attachments wouldn’t be counted up normally.

v2.2.5 11/11/2021

Bug fixes:

  • When entering a channel, project, or a post, the user would occasionally encounter an infinite loading screen.
  • An app crash was triggered under certain conditions.
  • Some buttons wouldn’t work.

v2.1.0 11/07/2021


  • Stabilized the app to prevent crashes.

v2.0.1 11/07/2021

What's new:

  • The Swit mobile app has been completely revamped for improved performance and to be more suited to mobile use:
    • Completely redesigned for a mobile-friendly UX
    • Added a global navigation bar
    • Removed the functions that are rarely used on mobile (team management, detailed settings, etc.).
    • Completely remodeled the system illustrations.
    • Improved performance.
  • The following functions has been added in regard to channel & project starring:
    • Previously, starred channels and projects were moved to the Starred area. From now on, while they remain at their original positions, they are also available in the Starred area.
    • Folders can be used in the Starred area.
    • The channel & project lists are now alphabetically sorted.
  • New filters have been added to the activity and mentions lists, respectively:
    • Activity: “Unread/Read”
    • Mentions: “Unread/Read” and “Mentions of my name only”
  • [Advanced only] All direct message channels across workspaces are now merged at the organization level. Now you can view and send any direct messages in one convenient place, and group conversations are also available in addition to one-on-one conversations.

v1.8.0 09/16/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Once the user scrolled up to load previous messages, scrolling down back to the newest message would be disabled.

v1.7.1 09/13/2021

What's new:

  • Chatbot is now available. When you send a message containing a specific keyword, Chatbot will automatically reply with a predefined message.
    • Workspace members can use this feature to easily find answers to frequently asked questions.
    • For configuration of Chabot, use the Desktop app.

v1.6.1 09/13/2021

What's new:

  • Chatbot is now available. When you send a message containing a specific keyword, Chatbot will automatically reply with a predefined message.
    • Workspace members can use this feature to easily find answers to frequently asked questions.
    • For configuration of Chabot, use the Desktop app.

v1.6.0 08/06/2021

Bug fixes:

  • When a message with an attachment was shared through “Copy message URL,” the shared message wouldn't show the attachment.
  • When viewing a message in the preview or comment view, the OG data for the links in it wouldn’t be displayed.
  • When changing a workspace’s default box setting, the relevant notification would show no contents.
  • When viewing an announcement message with an image attached in the comment view, its filename and size would be displayed in addition to the image itself.
  • Some issues with adding a reaction to a message opened through its shared copy:
    • Tapping on an already placed emoji reaction would fail to add 1 to the reaction count.
    • The first added new reaction wouldn’t be displayed while any subsequent reactions added were normally displayed.

v1.5.1 07/26/2021

What's new:

  • Now you can opt out of receiving promotion emails at sign-up or later in account settings on the desktop app.

Bug fixes:

  • The message preview would fail to display the email component.

v1.5.0 07/21/2021

What's new:

  • In a task, you can now view a due date and an assignee on each checklist item separately.

Bug fixes:

  • When composing a message, the message would occasionally be posted to the wrong channel.
  • In a task, the “View message” buttons under “Related messages & ideas” would fail to direct the user to the original message.

v1.4.3 07/12/2021

What's new:

  • In the project bucket view, you can now rename “Untitled bucket” to your preferred one.

Bug fixes:

  • After creating a new project, adding a task wouldn’t count up the number of tasks displayed next to the status label until any filter was applied.
  • [Advanced plan] When only the master and admins of the organization had the permission to create workspaces, non-admin members wouldn’t see the notification when refused to create one.
  • Selecting a pinned message and then tapping on “Back” would direct the user back to the previously previewed channel.
  • Selecting a mention or activity notification from an archived channel or project would fail to direct the user to that destination.
  • After opening a post through a mention or activity notification, the comments added by the user to it would remain displayed as if they were pending to upload despite having already been uploaded.
  • Pinning a previewed message would cause an app crash.

v1.4.2 06/30/2021


  • You can now execute .apk installer files right away without downloading them.

Bug fixes:

  • OGs of article types were not displayed in the standard form.
  • Entering multiple email addresses in the workspace invitee field would make the “Send invitation” disabled.
  • Comments made on a task after a temporary loss of the internet connection would remain to seem as if they were pending to be uploaded although the upload was already complete.
  • Issues when previewing an archived channel.
    • Tapping on “Jump to newest message” would cause an app crash.
    • Comments could be added.

v1.4.1 06/16/2021


  • Rich-formatted text now can also be copied and edited, although it is as plaintext.

v1.3.3 06/08/2021

Bug fixes:

  • If the Internet connection was lost when navigating to another channel, the destination channel’s name would already appear while the conversation in the previous channel would still remain.

v1.3.2 05/31/2021

What’s new:

  • “What’s New” has been added to the User settings menu.

Bug fixes:

  • Under specific conditions, the search page would show each result twice.
  • Some issues arising when the Internet connection was unstable.
  • When downloading an attachment, the filename would change with its extension removed.
  • When navigating to a workspace or channel, the wrong destination would appear on the screen.

v1.3.1 05/24/2021

Bug fixes:

  • If identically named emojis were registered in different workspaces, only one of their images was displayed across all the workspaces even if they actually had different images.
  • Once a tag was added to a task and then removed, it wouldn’t be added to the same task again.
  • When uploading a previewable and a non-previewable image together, the attachments would be shown in the gallery view, instead of in the list view.
  • Downloading multiple files one after another would cause an app crash.
  • When a message with a file attachment once failed to be uploaded and then was resent, sending a subsequent message would cause this message to have the previous attachment.
  • When a message with a file attachment failed to be uploaded, tapping on the file’s icon would cause an app crash.
  • If a message failed to be uploaded with the Internet connection lost, moving to another channel and coming back would cause the failed message to be duplicated continually.
  • If the user navigated to a channel by tapping on a push notification and sending a message therein failed with the Internet connection lost, the user profile on the failed message would disappear when the connection was restored.
  • If the user navigated to a channel by tapping on a push notification and wrote a comment on an idea therein, the system behaved as if the commenting were failed although it was successful actually.
  • The notification bar indicating the Internet connection being unstable would remain visible even after the connection becomes stable.
  • If the Internet connection was lost and then restored while the user was in a channel, the channel’s name disappeared.

v1.3.0 05/10/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed app crashes that intermittently occurred when the current network connection was switched to another (handovers).

v1.23.2 04/19/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue in which, under certain conditions, a task’s “Related messages & ideas” items would be displayed with the wrong channel information.Fixed an issue that would intermittently cause an app crash.

v1.23.1 04/06/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Entering a channel marked with an “unread” badge would, in rare cases, cause an app crash.
  • In the project list, the “My Tasks” item was displayed with the wrong title of “Personal tasks.”
  • When the project info page was first loaded after entering a project, it was shown as if the project purpose weren’t set.

v1.22.2 03/29/2021

What’s new:

  • Some new Microsoft and Google services are available in Swit to facilitate data sharing and your team collaboration:
    • Microsoft Outlook Mail
    • Microsoft Outlook Calendar
    • Microsoft OneDrive/SharePoint
    • Google Calendar & Meet
    • Gmail 2.0 In the mobile app, you can view data shared from these services.


  • Different icons have been applied to some additional file types.

Bug fixes:

  • The team list’s member counts wouldn’t be Updates until leaving the workspace. 

v1.21.0 03/09/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Hyperlinks contained in task content were too faint-colored and barely visible.
  • Under certain conditions, the presence of a custom emoji caused an app crash.
  • On some devices, files downloaded from Swit wouldn’t be opened by tapping on their download notification.
  • When multiple images were uploaded, they couldn’t be explored by sliding the screen left or right.

v1.20.1 02/23/2021

Bug fixes:

  • On some devices, the app would fail to upload attachments.
  • The workspace master was not allowed to delete messages and ideas.
  • In the task comment section, just entering and getting out of the photo-taking screen would add an empty photo.
  • [Advanced] The organization member list would occasionally contain workspace-specific groups.

v1.17.5 01/22/2021

What’s new:

  • [Advanced] Now Advanced Plan users are enabled to issue and send links to invite people to their organization. On the mobile app, you can join an organization using an invitation link but cannot create a link.

Bug fixes:

  • Members were occasionally displayed as being offline even though they stayed online.
  • When editing an idea, if changes were made only to attachments, and not to the body content, the Confirm button would remain disabled.
  • In the Activity list, comments created on the AOS app would not be displayed with their content.
  • When selecting a shared message to move to the original message, the message would not be highlighted in the destination channel as designed.  

v1.17.1 01/14/2021

What's new:

  • You can now mark mentions as unread in the list.

Bug fixes:

  • In the Activity list, marking an item as read would cause an app crash.
  • In the task page, opening the Related tasks tab would cause the third-party item links to appear multiple times when back to the task.
  • In the task page, the linked messages failed to handle overflowing filenames properly.
  • If visiting an organization using an invitation link while already being a member, the alert message would pop up over a workspace, instead of over the organization home.
  • In some cases, group mentions would appear blank in the All activity list.
  • Using the keypad sometimes would cause an app crash.