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Release Notes & Roadmap
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v2.00.6 12/21/2021


  • Enhanced app stability by resolving crash issues.
  • Improved screen switching performance.
  • Resolved network issues.

v2.00.5 12/09/2021


  • Stabilized the app to prevent crashes.

v2.00.4 11/24/2021


  • Stabilized the app to prevent crashes.

v2.00.3 11/23/2021


  • Stabilized the app to prevent crashes.

v2.00.2 11/12/2021


  • Stabilized the app to prevent crashes.

v2.00.1 11/08/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issues to ensure stability.

v2.00.0 11/07/2021

What’s new:

  • The Swit mobile app has been completely revamped for improved performance and to be more suited to mobile use:
    • Completely redesigned for a mobile-friendly UX
    • Added a global navigation bar
    • Removed the functions that are rarely used on mobile (team management, detailed settings, etc.).
    • Completely remodeled the system illustrations.
    • Improved performance.
  • The following functions has been added in regard to channel & project starring:
    • Previously, starred channels and projects were moved to the Starred area. From now on, while they remain at their original positions, they are also available in the Starred area.
    • Folders can be used in the Starred area.
    • The channel & project lists are now alphabetically sorted.
  • New filters have been added to the activity and mentions lists, respectively:
    • Activity: “Unread/Read”
    • Mentions: “Unread/Read” and “Mentions of my name only”
  • [Advanced only] All direct message channels across workspaces are now merged at the organization level. Now you can view and send any direct messages in one convenient place, and group conversations are also available in addition to one-on-one conversations.

v1.73.1 10/25/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Tasks wouldn’t show thumbnails for their file attachments.

v1.73.0 09/13/2021

Bug fixes:

  • On the “All mentions” page, the mention items created by Chatbot wouldn’t show the composer’s name, “Chatbot.”

v1.72.9 09/13/2021

What’s new:

  • Chatbot is now available. When you send a message containing a specific keyword, Chatbot will automatically reply with a predefined message.
    • Workspace members can use this feature to easily find answers to frequently asked questions.
    • For configuration of Chabot, use the Desktop app.

Bug fixes:

  • When sorted by “Work related to me,” personal tasks wouldn’t be visible under “Tasks I’m collaborating on.”
  • If the user selected “Convert to task” for a message, canceled it, and then started it again, the “Convert to task” button would remain disabled.
  • When making an announcement, adding a group mention would cause the group name to be displayed twice.

v1.72.8 08/19/2021

Bug fixes:

  • When a task is being opened from My tasks, tapping on the tag icon would cause an app crash.
  • When an error modal popped up for exceeding the character limit allowed for an idea, tapping on the Confirm button would cause infinite loading.
  • When adding a message or idea to an existing task, the default bucket would always be displayed as “Untitled bucket” even if it had already been renamed.
  • In a workspace’s push notification settings, the My keywords input field would not display the caret.
  • The user could copy a task into a personal task even if they were not assigned or collaborating on the original task.

v1.72.7 07/26/2021

What’s new:

  • Now you can opt out of receiving promotion emails at sign-up or later in account settings on the desktop app.

Bug fixes:

  • When the “Having issues?” dialog box was opened up by shaking the device, tapping on Cancel would automatically toggle off the “Shake to report a problem” feature.
  • When the user opened a message through a push notification, pinning this message would cause the Pin icon to disappear.
  • After tapping on “Leave workspace,” switching the app to the background and bringing it back to active would cause an error message.

v1.72.6 07/19/2021

What’s new:

  • In a task, you can now view a due date and an assignee on each checklist item separately.

Bug fixes:

  • When switching the workspace’s default box between the channel and project, the Activity list would show no content for the setting.
  • When joining a workspace, the channel box would show up first even if the project box was set as the default.

v1.72.5 07/12/2021

What’s new:

  • In the project bucket view, “Untitled bucket” now can be renamed to your preferred one.

Bug fixes:

  • [Advanced plan] When only the master and admins of the organization had the permission to create workspaces, non-admin members wouldn’t see the notification when refused to create one.
  • Messages shared from an archived channel would fail to direct the user to the origin channel.

v1.72.4 06/30/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Under a particular condition, the channel member list did not show the “Host” title for the host member.
  • When no one accepted a workspace invitation, the “Acceptance history” tab would show nothing.
  • After typing in an @ to open up the mention list, a Space input would not remove the list.
  • Selecting an activity or mention notification on an archived channel would not direct the user to that channel.

v1.72.3 06/23/2021

Bug fixes:

  • When typing in a text field, auto-complete would occasionally work abnormally.
  • In the search page, tapping on “View more” for one of the search result sections would cause an infinite loading state.
  • When converting a message to a task, if any of the required fields contained only an emoji, that field was considered to remain unfilled, leaving the Confirm button disabled.
  • If the Internet connection was lost and then restored, a reaction to a message wasn’t displayed immediately when it was added.
  • If a link contained in a message offered an article-type OG, the OG was displayed in a borderless form.

v1.72.2 05/31/2021

Bug fixes:

  • Entry to a workspace from the home screen would cause an infinite loading state.
  • If an existing project was added with a filter set and then a new project was created, the same filter set would be automatically added to the new project.
  • If the user tapped on “Reset filter” in the project filter setting page but closed it without saving the changes, the filters would remain in the task list but get cleared when the filter setting page was reopened.
  • Intermittent app crashes.

v1.72.1 05/31/2021

What’s new:

  • “Auto-join settings” added to the Workspace settings menu. The master and admins can now pick channels and projects that any new workspace members will automatically join. This feature is available on the Standard and Advanced plans.
  • As Google Drive for Swit 2.0 is available on Swit Store, you can share and view more types of files on Swit.
  • A due date filter has been added to the project page.
  • “What’s New” has been added to the User settings menu for easy access to information on the latest feature Updates.

Bug fixes:

  • A bullet list’s line spacing was very narrow, making it hard to read the text.
  • In a task created in Backlog, the task list opened when adding a related task would show not all Backlog tasks.
  • In a channel, tapping on View message on a shared announcement would cause an app crash.

v1.72.0 05/20/2021

Bug fixes:

  • In the search page, tapping on a message search would direct the user to the wrong location in the channel.
  • When uploading a photo or video to a channel, tapping on the “Send” icon while the Internet connection is lost would cause an app crash.
  • In a task with a color label applied, opening up the color label setting box and tapping on Confirm without changing the label would remove the current label.

v1.71.9 04/26/2021


  • All messages shared from Store apps now have a consistent format.
  • The emoji icon has been refined.
  • The format for pinned messages has been refined.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issues that caused an app crash.

v1.71.8 04/20/2021


  • When a message contains a URL, its summary section (i.e., OG data) will now be displayed with no more than 5 lines of text if its content is too long.

Bug fixes:

  • Announcements were able to be posted without a mention if they contained an emoji.
  • When trying to share an image from the built-in Photos app, the Swit app popped up a sign-in modal even if the user was already signed in.
  • Using Google SSO would cause some failures on the app.
  • Some issues that caused an app crash.

v1.71.7 04/06/2021


  • The user experience for the “active” ↔ “away” status setting toggle has been improved.

Bug fixes:

  • When adding an emoji reaction, the emoji list would fail to load some custom emojis.Occasionally, shared posts would not show the button to navigate to the original content.
  • In the Activity list, some task activities were displayed in the wrong color.
  • Several issues causing an app crash.

v1.71.6 03/29/2021

What’s new:

Some new Microsoft and Google services are available in Swit to facilitate data sharing and your team collaboration:

  • Microsoft Outlook Mail
  • Microsoft Outlook Calendar
  • Microsoft OneDrive/SharePoint
  • Google Calendar & Meet
  • Gmail 2.0 In the mobile app, you can view data shared from these services.

Bug fixes:

  • Converting a checklist item to a task would cause an app crash.
  • When selecting photos to upload from the Album, those in Favorites wouldn’t be loaded.
  • Some issues with navigating to ideas.
  • Some issues with applying mention and rich text formatting.

v1.71.5 03/18/2021

Bug fixes:

  • If a text editor’s caret was on a hyperlink text, the underline formatting would remain even after moving into another text editor.
  • Editing a hyperlink would occasionally cause an app crash.
  • If a URL’s OG data did not contain a description, the resulting OG card showed the thumbnail image only partially.
  • Once an idea was edited, the edited version failed to display its emoji reactions until the ideation page reloaded.
  • The buttons on the “Disca ]rkspace, an identically named group was automatically created.
  • While in offline mode, selecting the user profile from user settings would cause an app crash.

v1.71.2 02/15/2021

Bug fixes:

  • On the task details screen, scroll bars would abnormally appear over the Zoom meeting links.
  • Unlinking a third-party object from a task would prompt an error modal dialog.
  • Some objects would fail to show relevant “group” data of the workspace.
  • Some task comments showed their content only partially.
  • Push notifications failed to show some types of images.

v1.71.1 02/05/2021


  • Overflowing attachment names are now shortened with an ellipsis.

Bug fixes:

  • Uploading a file with a thumbnail would abnormally change a previous attachment’s thumbnail.Announcements shared in a task were displayed like plain messages.
  • Activating the app from the background would occasionally cause an app crash.Loading past messages would occasionally cause an app crash.

v1.71.0 02/02/2021

What’s new

  • Now the “General” channel can be renamed and its purpose can be edited.

Bug fixes:

  • When entering a direct messaging channel, the screen would occasionally be displayed as scrolled up to the top.
  • If the same Swit account was signed in on multiple iOS devices, only one device would receive push notifications.
  • In some cases in which the user attempts to access the original data of a shared message but the original one is not accessible to the user, the error modal would show the wrong message.
  • When trying to edit the profile status message, the number pad would occasionally show up instead of the keypad.
  • Sharing a message would fail if its destination was a direct messaging channel.
  • In the Activity list, usernames were prefixed with an @ sign.

v1.70.9 01/21/2021

What’s new

  • [Advanced] Now Advanced Plan users are enabled to issue and send links to invite people to their organization. On the mobile app, you can join an organization using an invitation link but cannot create a link.

Bug fixes:

  • On the channel screen, image preview would sometimes show the wrong user profile.
  • The mention list would occasionally fail to load data.
  • [Advanced] In the All activity or mention list, group mentions were sometimes shown in the wrong color.

v1.70.8 01/18/2021


  • In dark mode, the mention list’s display has been improved.
  • Direct messaging channels with those deactivated or no longer members of the workspace will now be shown as archived.

Bug fixes:

  • In the message text editor, inserting an @mention in the middle of text would result in the cursor abnormally placed at the end of text.
  • While writing a comment, attaching a file would remove the draft text in the comment editor.
  • Pulling to refresh was possible on the home screen even with no workspace available.
  • Mentions were displayed in the wrong color in the Activity list.
  • Slow motion videos couldn’t be uploaded.

v1.70.7 01/11/2021

Bug fixes:

  • <@project> mentions would appear as plain text in task comments.
  • An app crash occurs by particular combinations of actions.
  • It was possible to send a blank message.
  • The Send Message button would become inactive when it shouldn’t do.
  • The task tag list would be obscured by the keypad.
  • A date divider line appears inappropriately in the channel screen when scrolling up to fetch older messages.
  • Some rich text elements were incorrectly displayed.
  • Navigating to a shared massage’s workspace failed.
  • It was possible to send direct messages to someone who had left or been deactivated.